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  1. N

    EVO 1 gimbal/camera replacement

    Does anyone know where I can get a replacement gimbal and camera for an evo 1?
  2. N

    Absolutely RIDICULOUS repair cost for EVO2 Pro

    A few days ago, I had an incident with my approximately 9-month old Evo2 Enterprise where it stopped responding to controller inputs and drifted itself into a wall, and fell approx 15 feet. This airframe has been flying nearly daily since I purchased it without prior issue. Luckily the damage...
  3. P

    Something different - actually good (but slow) customer support.

    Yep, you heard me right. I've had an awesome experience lately with Autel customer support, contrary to the consensus here. A little backstory: I crashed my Nano+ in ludicrous mode heads-on into a thick tree at full yolo, which was completely my fault, of course. As a result the front right arm...
  4. A

    EVO 2 Crash while Dynamic Tracking

    I was impressed with how a previous Evo 2 Pro test unit I had performed, but taking my new Evo 2 for a dynamic track mission, my heart skipped a beat. This happened: The drone crashed into a tree . Luckily, the impact zone was an arm, and it folded. The only damages I can see are two...
  5. laheyjo

    Autel Repairs - seriously their major flaw

    So, I specifically chose Autel because 'way back when' (DJI Phantom 2 release era) I had a huge issue with DJI's support - their 'required firmware update' bricked my $2000+ new drone a few weeks into having it - and their support at the time said effectively "too bad, send it back to China, but...
  6. jnesbitt49

    Wiring harness

    So I trashed my wiring harness, but have a new on on the way. Had to buy complete repair kit. Anyone know of another source for the wiring harness alone? (X-star premium)