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WOW how would you like to have these import fees?


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2017
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
Frank from CarolinaDronz is working with a customer on a pre-order for the EVO to Brazil. Frank said no problem with shipping it there but asked if he knew the the VAT was pretty high.
Brazil has 60-100% VAT
Man that is crazy, thought we Canadians payed a lot of duty getting stuff from the States but that just sucks. Hope he sell a lot of coffee beans :)
Well there you go. After a few exchanges with the fellow in Brazil Frank found out he has relatives in Orlando. So he can ship it to the relatives and they can send it to him as a gift that will not get charged very much duty.
Frank from CarolinaDronzs is the best dealer to order from. He will give you his cell number and if you have a problem you can call him on a Sunday even if he is out golfing :)
LOL, too funny. The underground economy strikes again. Governments rarely take into account human nature... If folks feel like they're being screwed, they find a workaround. Hawaii taxes everything, and it's a poor state. So, cash is king. I think it has the biggest underground economy in the USA! And yea, CarolinaDronz is really good!!!
My brother lived in Freeport Bahamas for 13 years as a teacher. I went there 2-3 times a year to visit. Cheap vacation for me. The taxes that they charged from anything coming from the States was unreal.
Good thing they make some pretty good beer and rum is cheap LOL
My brothers neighbour was building a house. From my brothers backyard we could watch the progress. First year went pretty good. The guy got 4 walls up all cement blocks which is common there. Had the rafters up when I left to come back to Canada. Next year the same walls and rafters and no further improvements. I asked my brother what is this guy waiting for?? He said a big drug deal to get more building materials to finish his house. LOL
Well after 8 or 9 years there was a palm tree growing in the middle of the house and the rafters were all warped so bad it would be very hard to nail any kind of roof to them :)
Yup stuff like this is very common on the island.
Many houses like this one not completed and many boats and planes on the beaches that never made it to the States with there drugs :)

Pre-orders? How is he doing that?

And my many years of Caribbean travel I have seen my fair share of cinderblock homes with rebar sticking out the top, many abandoned. I asked a few times in different places and they all answered the same way. They build the first floor and plan for more when they have the money. So they leave the rebar sticking up so they can continue construction if needed. I especially fell in love with Jamaica and went to Negril for 8 years straight. Great people and a beautiful island.

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