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What has happened to Autel?


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2018
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It's been a few months since I've flown my Evo 1 and have woken up to what seems a nightmare. Where to begin...

1) The lastest app screws up the ability to change any of the camera settings.

2) Almost all of my 7 batteries are now bad even though I've followed all the instructions. Charged, discharged, kept in a perfect environment. Did the charging hub ruin them all? Are they really bad or bad firmware / software with the intention of secretly trying to force current owners to by another drone.

3) Autel is discontinuing support completely for the EVO 1. No more batteries?? WTH?

4) Evo 2 version 1 owners are also getting screwed in less than a year with this V2 version.

5) No more NFZ? Is this true that you now need to get permission to fly like DJI??

6) What happened to the promise from Autel that they would continue to provide firmware updates and fix the buttons on the back of the controller and a bunch of other things like horizon tilt? Is this what they did to XStar owners?

7) How is it possible that any company can release an app update and not test the most basic feature (camera settings) with their most popular product the EVO 1?

8) Now they're releasing an EVO Mini??? Do they really expect to hang on to the customers who have kept them afloat all this time?

I wish I could go back to sleep and wake up from this nightmare.
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I don't expect my three year old phone to keep up with the latest and greatest phones so why would any tech like a drone be any different? I hope you got some enjoyment from your Evo. But yes, you snooze you lose.

Autel announced End-of-Support for original Evo at year's end, several months ago. Nevertheless they have a patch for the FW available for your camera problem. Evo batteries are commonly available still in the US-- Best Buy just had a 2 for $60 sale a week or so ago and they threw in the OTG shoulder bag to sweeten the deal. There isn't an NFZ implemented here or in any country that doesn't require it. China, Japan require it. Your #4 point? Evo II v1 has a warranty for a year, Autel is still making the same exact airframe but for the different SDR chipset (ostensibly a supply issue) and officially is still fully supporting and warrantying it as long as possible
I don't expect my three year old phone to keep up with the latest and greatest phones so why would any tech like a drone be any different? I hope you got some enjoyment from your Evo. But yes, you snooze you lose.

Autel announced End-of-Support for original Evo at year's end, several months ago. Nevertheless they have a patch for the FW available for your camera problem. Evo batteries are commonly available still in the US-- Best Buy just had a 2 for $60 sale a week or so ago and they threw in the OTG shoulder bag to sweeten the deal. There isn't an NFZ implemented here or in any country that doesn't require it. China, Japan require it. Your #4 point? Evo II v1 has a warranty for a year, Autel is still making the same exact airframe but for the different SDR chipset (ostensibly a supply issue) and officially is still fully supporting and warrantying it as l

It's been a few months since I've flown my Evo 1 and have woken up to what seems a nightmare. Where to begin...

1) The lastest app screws up the ability to change any of the camera settings.

2) Almost all of my 5 batteries are now bad even though I've followed all the instructions. Charged, discharged, kept in a perfect environment. Did the charging hub ruin them all? Are they really bad or bad firmware / software with the intention of secretly trying to force current owners to by another drone.

3) Autel is discontinuing support completely for the EVO 1. No more batteries?? WTH?

4) Evo 2 version 1 owners are also getting screwed in less than a year with this V2 version.

5) No more NFZ? Is this true that you now need to get permission to fly like DJI??

6) What happened to the promise from Autel that they would continue to provide firmware updates and fix the buttons on the back of the controller and a bunch of other things like horizon tilt? Is this what they did to XStar owners?

7) How is it possible that any company can release an app update and not test the most basic feature (camera settings) with their most popular product the EVO 1?

8) Now they're releasing an EVO Mini??? Do they really expect to hang on to the customers who have kept them afloat all this time?

I wish I could go back to sleep and wake up from this nightmare.
I think what bothers me the most were all the promises. Since the day I bought my Evo 1 I was told they would continue with firmware patches to resolve issues that never fully got resolved. Like horizon tilt, programmable buttons on controller, better waypoint missions and more. Seems odd that they still sell Evo 1 through Best Buy when in two months it's over. If I was Autel, I'd pull those off the shelf.

I get tech and nothing lasts forever but don't put out a new version of your app then screw up the camera settings. That screams "we don't care" when no one is testing their software on their most popular product.
I don't expect my three year old phone to keep up with the latest and greatest phones so why would any tech like a drone be any different? I hope you got some enjoyment from your Evo. But yes, you snooze you loose.
Agree with ya on 2nd paragraph... Autel is moving on & dropping EVO1 and EVO1 batteries remain available.

I can relate a bit on the EVO1, rarely used mine. Wasn't the preferred craft after purchasing. Thanks for the news-bit on FW patch, I didn't see that on their web site.

Consumer Technology is expensive, expected to function much longer than 3 years. Comparing 3 yr phone technology vs new... most retain their phones much longer and fewer upgrade... and getting less as older models continue to perform. Most able to use current apps and updates.

I still fly much older models (other Brands) without issues and would expect them to be trouble free. The Inspire 1 is the oldest supported Consumer drone, and still used by many... read different groups of Scientists collecting Whale Blow mucus and Volcanic particals with I1's.

I also think we'll see inexpensive add-on Remote ID devices for older crafts... even newer ones that aren't equipped.
When Autels new CEO leaves after just 9 weeks - well I guess this answers my own question.

The problem with Autel is that they simply don't know how to run a company. Sad and what a waste of a great opportunity. The owners of Autel really need to start making decisions based on the perspective of their loyal client base. When a company becomes out of touch, doesn't test their own product software and hardware, promise and take too long or don't deliver - then end is near. There are a lot of awesome people who work for Autel but it seems that the owners don't give a rats **s.
Interesting article, and his reasoning projects a sour note inside company. It sounds like he intends to stay with Autel but different position?
Interesting article, and his reasoning projects a sour note inside company. It sounds like he intends to stay with Autel but different position?
No Randall left alongside Troy who Randall thought he was being unjustly terminated. The owner Maxwell is probably just some Rich kid who doesn't understand business, marketing and customer loyalty. In the end, a drone is not a cell phone. My Evo 1 is like new. To discontinue batteries is a slap to their loyal customers who got them to where they are now. What they should have done at the very least, is to reach out to Evo 1 owners and ask if they'd be willing to commit to buying more batteries. This way Autel could have cut a deal with the factory to continue to have them in stock. DJI mavics are much older and you can still buy them all day long. How about a battery replacement program where you get a couple new batteries each year. There are so many ways to keep your loyal customers happy and make a profit yet Autel management obviously isn't thinking that way. Think about it, an Evo 1 to this day blows many other drones out of the water. So, at the end it all boils down to customer trust. Unfortunately for me that ship has sailed. Even Randall as CEO sounds like like he would rather jump ship now before the entire ship goes down. I really feel for the support staff at Autel. They have always been their to help customers. I guarantee no one in the U.S. office has seen let alone fly an Evo nano or lite. They should been the first to fly these new birds and provide feedback to China for months before yesterday's announcement of the nano and lite. After all, they are the ones who have direct contact with us - their customer base. As with anyone or any company, I wish them luck but unless Autel owners change their ways, I'll change mine.
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No Randall left alongside Troy who Randall thought he was being unjustly terminated. The owner Maxwell is probably just some Rich kid who doesn't understand business, marketing and customer loyalty. In the end, a drone is not a cell phone. My Evo 1 is like new. To discontinue batteries is a slap to their loyal customers who got them to where they are now. What they should have done at the very least, is to reach out to Evo 1 owners and ask if they'd be willing to commit to buying more batteries. This way Autel could have cut a deal with the factory to continue to have them in stock. DJI mavics are much older and you can still buy them all day long. How about a battery replacement program where you get a couple new batteries each year. There are so many ways to keep your loyal customers happy and make a profit yet Autel management obviously isn't thinking that way. Think about it, an Evo 1 to this day blows many other drones out of the water. So, at the end it all boils down to customer trust. Unfortunately for me that ship has sailed. Even Randall as CEO sounds like like he would rather jump ship now before the entire ship goes down. I really feel for the support staff at Autel. They have always been their to help customers. I guarantee no one in the U.S. office has seen let alone fly an Evo nano or lite. They should been the first to fly these new birds and provide feedback to China for months before yesterday's announcement of the nano and lite. After all, they are the ones who have direct contact with us - their customer base. As with anyone or any company, I wish them luck but unless Autel owners change their ways, I'll change mine.
I'd agree on EVO1 lifespan, and batteries. A 3 yr old craft should continue supplies a minimal of 7 yrs lifespan... then let inventory and 3rd party take over if remains popular. The Inspire 1 as mentioned is older craft... and now has reputable 3rd party providing fresh batteries. Granted, not cheap... still about the cost of DJI batteries which I feel are over priced, but seperate issue.

Phones... 5-7yr is about avg for the non-techie.
I expect 10 yrs minimum from large M600Pro's... even if firmware updated ends...that's actually a benefit of sort.
When Autels new CEO leaves after just 9 weeks - well I guess this answers my own question.

The problem with Autel is that they simply don't know how to run a company. Sad and what a waste of a great opportunity. The owners of Autel really need to start making decisions based on the perspective of their loyal client base. When a company becomes out of touch, doesn't test their own product software and hardware, promise and take too long or don't deliver - then end is near. There are a lot of awesome people who work for Autel but it seems that the owners don't give a rats **s.
Continuing on the departure and the company structure... these are concerning factors for a new purchases! I'm highly considering adding the EVO 2 Enterprise and additional Thermo Flir Payloads. That's an investment, worth considering a risk if company is experiencing problems. Primarily DJI Platform in inventory, but feel the EVO2 Ent surpasses the M2 / M3 lineup... although will wait a bit to watch company a while.
I don't expect my three year old phone to keep up with the latest and greatest phones so why would any tech like a drone be any different? I hope you got some enjoyment from your Evo. But yes, you snooze you lose.

Autel announced End-of-Support for original Evo at year's end, several months ago. Nevertheless they have a patch for the FW available for your camera problem. Evo batteries are commonly available still in the US-- Best Buy just had a 2 for $60 sale a week or so ago and they threw in the OTG shoulder bag to sweeten the deal. There isn't an NFZ implemented here or in any country that doesn't require it. China, Japan require it. Your #4 point? Evo II v1 has a warranty for a year, Autel is still making the same exact airframe but for the different SDR chipset (ostensibly a supply issue) and officially is still fully supporting and warrantying it as long as possible
Depends what you understand by "EOL". Autel use the phrase "End of Service" but that's a different thing. The 4K EVO reached End of Line status many months ago, meaning that they had stopped making them. Indeed, there haven't even been any new units in the supply chain. When I tried to replace mine back in April, it was impossible to buy a replacement, except for refurbished units.

Autel may be offering some level of continuity but trust me, if you write off your 4K EVO and want to replace it with a new one, you can't.
Any chance of a link to this patch? I had a look for it here and on Autel's website and couldn't see it.
The patch is not really a patch. I called Autel about their latest app not allowing to turn on the camera nor adjust settings and was told that I need to download the beta. When I asked where I can download the beta Explorer App, I was told to go to their website and click Support, then chose Evo 2....wait I said, I have an Evo 1 and she said I know, but this is where you'll find it. Click on Evo 2 then Downloads then scroll all the way to the bottom and you'll see it listed there. This is what I mean. There is no quality control. Not on their products, software and even website. I also asked how long will I have to live with a beta app and was told maybe about 3 months. Geeez I'm still baffled as to how anyone could be so careless as to not test their app before pushing it out to their users. Freaking stupid.
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The patch is not really a patch. I called Autel about their latest app not allowing to turn on the camera nor adjust settings and was told that I need to download the beta. When I asked where I can download the beta app, I was told to go to their website and click Support, then chose Evo 2....wait I said, I have an Evo 1 and she said I know, but this is where you'll find it. Click on Evo 2 then Downloads then scroll all the way to the bottom and you'll see it listed there. This is what I mean. There is no quality control. Not on their products, software and even website. I also asked how long will I have to live with a beta app and was told maybe about 3 months. Geeez I'm still baffled as to how anyone could be so careless as to not test their app before pushing it out to their users. Freaking stupid.
So catching up on app... when beta transitions to live product will the Explorer app function with both EVO1 & 2 or needing 2 apps? I'm assuming the Beta in EVO2 folder is compatible with both 1 & 2.
So catching up on app... when beta transitions to live product will the Explorer app function with both EVO1 & 2 or needing 2 apps? I'm assuming the Beta in EVO2 folder is compatible with both 1 & 2.
I asked as well and it will function for both Evo 1 and 2. This beta version addresses their screw up and allows you to use your camera again on Evo 1 but it's a beta, so you need to fly at your own risk.
The patch is not really a patch. I called Autel about their latest app not allowing to turn on the camera nor adjust settings and was told that I need to download the beta. When I asked where I can download the beta Explorer App, I was told to go to their website and click Support, then chose Evo 2....wait I said, I have an Evo 1 and she said I know, but this is where you'll find it. Click on Evo 2 then Downloads then scroll all the way to the bottom and you'll see it listed there. This is what I mean. There is no quality control. Not on their products, software and even website. I also asked how long will I have to live with a beta app and was told maybe about 3 months. Geeez I'm still baffled as to how anyone could be so careless as to not test their app before pushing it out to their users. Freaking stupid.
Thanks but there doesn't appear to be any Autel documentation or text supporting use of this beta for an EVO 1 so I couldn't risk it.
Bros....there is only ONE explorer app for both EVO 1 and EVO 2, and soon to be Nano and lite crafts.

I agree on batteries. Doesn't bother me that they end support for older products, BUT they should open up the battery tech to 3rd party battery makers, so we would still be able to buy new batteries for existing drones.
They make SOOOOOO much money on batteries, its criminal.
Not everyone needs to upgrade their phones and especially drones every three years. Even though the Evo 1 flies like crap for cinematic purposes it would be nice to have them keep supplying batteries and props. I can understand no more repairs, I'm fine with that. You crash it and you are out. Autel is way to small for me to give them anymore money. At least with DJI you can still get third party batteries for the Phantom series.
Seems to be an Android thing... noticed Playstore didn't prompt for upgrading both Autel Explorer or DJI Fly App. Few versions down on both... downloaded APK's direct to update. Might be phone being on Android 11, although both apps installed without issues.

The Autel Explorer "Beta" downloaded & installed without issues.
It's been a few months since I've flown my Evo 1 and have woken up to what seems a nightmare. Where to begin...

1) The lastest app screws up the ability to change any of the camera settings.

2) Almost all of my 7 batteries are now bad even though I've followed all the instructions. Charged, discharged, kept in a perfect environment. Did the charging hub ruin them all? Are they really bad or bad firmware / software with the intention of secretly trying to force current owners to by another drone.

3) Autel is discontinuing support completely for the EVO 1. No more batteries?? WTH?

4) Evo 2 version 1 owners are also getting screwed in less than a year with this V2 version.

5) No more NFZ? Is this true that you now need to get permission to fly like DJI??

6) What happened to the promise from Autel that they would continue to provide firmware updates and fix the buttons on the back of the controller and a bunch of other things like horizon tilt? Is this what they did to XStar owners?

7) How is it possible that any company can release an app update and not test the most basic feature (camera settings) with their most popular product the EVO 1?

8) Now they're releasing an EVO Mini??? Do they really expect to hang on to the customers who have kept them afloat all this time?

I wish I could go back to sleep and wake up from this nightmare.
Give them time. They may make changes in the the way they do things. They aren't as big as DJI. If they can improve their product and improve profits, maybe they will improve service and quality all around. I Hope.

They do, have the best hardware if you ask me. They just have crappy customer service and support and need to work on their software capabilities. Hopefully, they become a more solid and consistent company as time passes.
The patch is not really a patch. I called Autel about their latest app not allowing to turn on the camera nor adjust settings and was told that I need to download the beta. When I asked where I can download the beta Explorer App, I was told to go to their website and click Support, then chose Evo 2....wait I said, I have an Evo 1 and she said I know, but this is where you'll find it. Click on Evo 2 then Downloads then scroll all the way to the bottom and you'll see it listed there. This is what I mean. There is no quality control. Not on their products, software and even website. I also asked how long will I have to live with a beta app and was told maybe about 3 months. Geeez I'm still baffled as to how anyone could be so careless as to not test their app before pushing it out to their users. Freaking stupid.
That's funny, I noticed this bad habit Autel has. They don't seem to fully test their products or software before release. They end up using their clients as Guinee pigs, then fix the problems that surface during customer use, instead of thoroughly testing their products themselves. It's like they push their products out before they have been fully vetted.

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