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Waypoint mode safe zone

I was able to enter a route with waypoints outside of the circle and I was able to run the route successfully. saving it as I ran it. Unfortunately when I tried to run saved route, it told me that there were waypoints too far from base.

The way I did it was to set the waypoints by flying to the points and marking them. At one point I changed Home to the aircraft position, which changed the center of the circle, I clicked on the map to set a waypoint that was outside of the original circle, but within the new circle. After the distant waypoint was set, I reset Home to my position.
I was able to enter a route with waypoints outside of the circle and I was able to run the route successfully. saving it as I ran it. Unfortunately when I tried to run saved route, it told me that there were waypoints too far from base.

The way I did it was to set the waypoints by flying to the points and marking them. At one point I changed Home to the aircraft position, which changed the center of the circle, I clicked on the map to set a waypoint that was outside of the original circle, but within the new circle. After the distant waypoint was set, I reset Home to my position.
Slick move, Good thinking man:cool:
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