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RTMP Streaming using RTMP link in the live configuration of the Autel Enterprise Smart Controller. No Live Deck


New Member
Jan 31, 2021
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Good Night all, I am having some issues of viewing the stream when I enter the RTMP stream in the Smart Controller of the Autel Enterprise V2. Can anyone assist me in troubleshooting or educating me as to the correct method viewing the live stream? Please note it is the Autel Enterprise V2 with Smart Controller. There is no live deck setup.
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Just saw this explanation on the web as to how to enter the stream URL and stream key as a single line which may work in the Autel Explorer App. I haven't tried it yet but the explanation seemed plausible for the Explorer App even though the explanation suggested it only works for DJI.

I'll give it a try at some date when I have a little more time but I certainly hope anyone else who tries it will report back on this thread.
There is no way to stream from the app directly to a client app like a web browser, VLC, etc. That's not how that works. You can only stream to a server listening for the connection. For example, you can stream from the app to YouTube live or Facebook live on your accounts, with the URLs you have configured on your accounts. You can also use something like Ant Media Server on your own PC or a cloud server to be that bridge.

Expect it to stutter and lag. There will be a delay of 5-30 seconds. 1080p max. If you're looking for 4K live streaming from the drone, it doesn't exist.

If you want live without delay and without a bunch of complicated servers, get a live deck. The end.
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Max the CEO just wants to pump out new hardware, WITHOUT the software to make it a complete product with important, usable features like this.
He has a NEVER FINISHED approach that will prevent AR from being a serious competitor. IMHO

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