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Ken Heron interview with the head of Autel Robotics USA about the new EVO Lite & Nano drones.

eta: actually i am going to hold off on any comments and spoilers in case anyone wants to watch the entire interview and hear the details for the first time themselves. it's a good interview, thanks for posting it saladshooter.
I sent this guy Maxwell Lee a couple emails asking exactly about the V1 / V2 situation and he didn't bother to even answer. Same for the CEO. As far as I am concerned, that's poor leadership and horrible customer service.
Bad form but not surprising. I definitely won't be buying anything from Mr Lee.
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Autel keep doing what they always have been; talking up their customer support while offering ZERO for superseded models. One only needs to read through all of the bad experiences on this forum (including my own from EVO1), to realise how disgraceful AUTEL really are.

Sure the new owners are excited, we have all been there, its only a matter of time before the EVO 2 owners will be screaming from the rooftops with the rest of us.
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Mr Lee's policy appears to be to ignore the elephant in the room and it will eventually go away. In the land of his forefathers where Joe public isn't allowed to have a voice, that might work, but not in my country.

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