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Drone returned to Autel - FedEx problems


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2017
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Jenkintown, PA
Anyone have their drone returned to Autel in Washington for repair and dealing with SLOOOW Fed Ex. I sent this for a return on the 20th, a Saturday. I realized it wouldn't ship until Monday the 22nd. It's traveling 3000+ miles so fine I accept it might take a week.

It made the attempt to deliver this past Sat. Closed either because they aren't open on the weekend, or closed for the Holiday weekend. (not sure)

Next scheduled delivery was today and they still failed, Redmond, WA Fed Ex to Kirkland, WA is 4 miles. That's 11 hours sitting on the truck! Simply beyond frustrating. I can't get FedEx on the phone.

Did you contact Autel?

Sent from my ASUS_Z00AD using Tapatalk
I sent Autel an email since the Customer Service closed at 6pm PT (9pm my time) Just let them know that Fed Ex has my drone, literally a few miles from the repair location. Gave them the RA number.
Little nerve wracking right now how it's just basically getting bounced around from plane to truck to hub, back to truck, etc for 11 days.
I waited 3 weeks. 1 week there...1 week repair...1 week home. Checked box they are business so a M-F delivery. Sounds like FedEx issue. Keep hope up...Autel is great when they get it...and no charge for the ground FedEx ...
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Hope is alive. It finally got there - barely - this past Friday at 4:47pm PT. I finally got through to Fed Ex earlier that day...whew. THEIR (FedEx) Customer Service was completely useless.
Just happy right now my drone is in Autel's hands!

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