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Considering a purchase of the Pro model

When you run waypoint function, the drone only can capture video at 30fps or lower
Distance From the Subject Material - A lot of drone footage is shot from high up and far away from points of reference; without a good foreground and background relationship, panning is just filling the screen with new footage in an undesirable way that doesn't really pull the viewer into the scene unless it is part of a foreground reveal.
Another related issue that might come into play here is compression. In panning a wide shot like many drone shots, a lot of image is being replaced every frame, and if there’s a lot of detail (trees, ripples on water) it’s extremely demanding for a codec like h.264 that depends on a long gop structure for its efficiency. Unless you have a very high bit rate, the codec will soften the image by throwing out detail to manage bandwidth. To the viewer, that just looks like blurring.

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