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An interesting discovery... Hobbyists who registered


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2017
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
An interesting discovery... Hobbyists who registered when the FAA first introduced registration had there $5 waived. That ran from November 2015 to January 2016. The registrations were to be valid for 3 years - thus January 2019 was set to be the first time for the $5 payment.

With that said, the Taylor case threw out the registration requirement in May 2017 and Congress reinstated it with the President signing it law on December 2017. So, as it turns out now, those who thought their hobbyist registration was set to expire are now finding a new expiration date - December 12th, 2020 - three years to the day from the signing of the Defense Act reinstating the registration requirement.
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I did register, completely forgetting about the 3 yr expiration, so thanks for that. Paid in May ‘16. Like car registration in California that’s now $500/yr (supposedly to fight climate change, but it’s laughable, they’re broke), I expect drone renewal creep-up to in the future to pay for increased drone tracking/thwarting, owner public flogging?
I did register, completely forgetting about the 3 yr expiration, so thanks for that. Paid in May ‘16. Like car registration in California that’s now $500/yr (supposedly to fight climate change, but it’s laughable, they’re broke), I expect drone renewal creep-up to in the future to pay for increased drone tracking/thwarting, owner public flogging?
Calif. is a bottom less pit, running out of taxpayers moving East, North.
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Calif. is a bottom less pit, running out of taxpayers moving East, North.
Yea, it’s become a surreal place. Net-exodus rates are increasing. The SF West Bay Area (SF to SJ) is in an delusional state of extreme wealth. Leave the area and there’s poverty and illegals everywhere. California will keep it’s new position as the state with the highest poverty rates for decades, until taxpayers figure-out being a sanctuary state equals bankruptcy.....oh wait, they’re already broke....
I did register, completely forgetting about the 3 yr expiration, so thanks for that. Paid in May ‘16. Like car registration in California that’s now $500/yr (supposedly to fight climate change, but it’s laughable, they’re broke), I expect drone renewal creep-up to in the future to pay for increased drone tracking/thwarting, owner public flogging?

I completely agree plus the fact they will have another revenue to feed the machine.
I recently registered mine through what I thought was the correct site. Apparently it's a site that registers it for you and will send you stickers with the official info on it. Ended up paying more than $5 for registration thinking they had just gone up on the rate.

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