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The AEB setting stands for Auto Exposure Bracketing which will take three of the same shot at differing exposure/brightness levels. You'll have one that's darker, one that matches what you see in the preview screen, and one that's brighter.

This can be very useful since you can pick the one that looks best later without having to worry about getting your exposure/brightness settings perfect while in the air.
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The AEB setting stands for Auto Exposure Bracketing which will take three of the same shot at differing exposure/brightness levels. You'll have one that's darker, one that matches what you see in the preview screen, and one that's brighter.

This can be very useful since you can pick the one that looks best later without having to worry about getting your exposure/brightness settings perfect while in the air.
Great explanation, Thank you for taking the time to reply.
What you can also do is merge the pictures together and have the best of both worlds. The darker areas will become brighter and the brighter areas will become darker. Google HDR and you can get a better explanation than i can give you. It makes great pictures, more like what your eyes see.
in the camera section what is the AEP mode ?
Is this question in reference to the X-Star 3 Cam? It is a different model from the X-Star Premium or WiFi.


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