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Thoughts for New Buyers Coming from DJI

I read the the entire post. Reminds me of the OLED vs QLED debate on various AV forums. (I'm a big home theater nut)

I went with the 65" OLED. It's the superior picture quality and there's really no debating it. QLED is just a glorified LCD with the same flaws that plague all LCDs such as gray blacks among other things. OLED doesn't have that issue because it doesn't have a backlight like LCD... the pixels turn off individually... so black means black.

As for the Evo... I originally went for it based on the price. I did no research on it at all. Even after swapping mine for a new one earlier this week due to those cracked antennas I'm happy with the purchase... and it doesn't lock me out of flight like I've heard DJI does. I'd had probably given DJI more thought if it wasn't $500 more. Getting the Evo for $1000 which included 2 extra batteries, a bag, extra 64GB card AND a $100 e gift card was too good of a deal to pass up. A huge selling point!

There is no perfect television... OLED is susceptible to image burn in if you watch programming with news tickers plastered on the screen like CNN... but who would buy an OLED for that? You buy a cheap LCD for that and buy an OLED for home theater movies.

There is no perfect drone either.
LOL, Agree, OLED unquestionably has the best TV picture...BUT, my 3rd LG 65” OLED failed over a 7 month period. Out of desperation I called Amazon, (LG blew me off, other than trying to fix it again & again). Amazon went to bat for me with LG, they came and got my defunct TV, with full credit. I then got a Samsung Series 9 QLED, which I love. The picture is only 85-90% as vibrant, but as I said on my Amazon review that got 3000 views, 400 likes, “at least I know when I turn it on, it will actually show me a picture....” :). If you insist on OLED, I’d get the Sony...Looking to the future, LCD isn’t dead, refinements & new alternatives are coming!
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While I agree with most of what you said here, I'm confused on the OLED discussion. It wasn't the technology that I had an issue with - it was just the implementation of the onboard screen. Without any kind of directional indicators or maps, it was really not much more useful than the Mavic's simple LCD readout.


Sorry about that... just rambled on a bit.... and the OLED display on the RC didn't affect my purchase either. It's nice and all, but much like phones the screen is far too small to benefit when compared to something like a huge flat screen TV.
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LOL, Agree, OLED unquestionably has the best TV picture...BUT, my 3rd LG 65” OLED failed over a 7 month period. Out of desperation I called Amazon, (LG blew me off, other than trying to fix it again & again). Amazon went to bat for me with LG, they came and got my defunct TV, with full credit. I then got a Samsung Series 9 QLED, which I love. The picture is only 85-90% as vibrant, but as I said on my Amazon review that got 3000 views, 400 likes, “at least I know when I turn it on, it will actually show me a picture....” :). If you insist on OLED, I’d get the Sony...Looking to the future, LCD isn’t dead, refinements & new alternatives are coming!

I'm 15 months into my LG with 9 months or so left on the 2 year warranty. So far no issues... even had it calibrated.

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LeefPeeper, You asked what the advantages of owning a Anafi in addition to the Mavic Pro and Evo. Here is a short list. 1) It is remarkably quiet. I use it a lot when people are around. 2) Batteries charge via USB, so any charger can be used. Easy to charge multiple batteries at the same time (just use multiple chargers) 3) Has a lossless zoom that works quite well in video modes. 4) Freeflight app is full of nice features and many intelligent flight modes. Nice Flight Plan (Like Litchi) built right into the app (in app purchase of .99 cents). 4) Follow me mode works very well (.99 cent in app purchase). 5) 180 degree camera gives unusual shots. 6) 20 minute flight time. 7) Surprisingly, handles itself well in the wind and is very nimble. Fun to fly in sport mode 8) Very light to carry and pack. 9) Up and running in about 1 minute. 10) Camera is good, on par with Mavic Pro 1, but Evo Camera is better. Anafi shoots in 4K 30 fps at 100mbs.

That being said, the downsides to the Anafi include limited range (it is wifi - count on 3,000 feet maximum), It is somewhat delicate, no sensors and the SD card is tucked under the battery, so just takes another 15 seconds to get to that. I take the Anafi on trips because it is easy to pack, light, can unfold and get up in the air quickly and does not attract attention when flying around/near people.
Wow....thanks. I'm starting to wonder if I should have gone that direction instead of the Evo given that I already have two Mavic Pro 1s. I was torn between portability and getting the Evo's cam.

The perfect drone for me would be one that is the size of the Spark, has a good cam that does 4K 60fps, and the range of at least my MP1...

Wow....thanks. I'm starting to wonder if I should have gone that direction instead of the Evo given that I already have two Mavic Pro 1s. I was torn between portability and getting the Evo's cam.

The perfect drone for me would be one that is the size of the Spark, has a good cam that does 4K 60fps, and the range of at least my MP1...

That could be the upcoming spark 2
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Well said. I forgot about the RC fan....I returned my whole first Evo for that reason alone. Strangely enough, I have two Mavic Pro 1s, and the RC fans sound completely different between the two. The first one also whines when I move the controller around whereas the second one doesn't. The beeps sound different too.

I also use LItchi with my Mavics, and another app called Drone Harmony - which I think is a far more advanced version of what Autel was going for with the mission planning feature. I use it to map out property and take composite images - and sometimes just to inspect my roof after a storm. LOL

I thought about the Anafi before I bought the Evo, and it just seemed a bit bland for me....and I didn't like the controller or the SD Card 'tray'. Does the Anafi offer anything the other two don't other than the upward facing cam?

I'm curious to know what a normal fan sound is like on the RC of the Evo. When I first got mine a few weeks ago, that noise definitely concerned me, but maybe that's just how it is.
It does whine, even on a good one. Check out my 'bad RC fan' thread for what a bad one sounds like...

That could be the upcoming spark 2
More likely a Mavic 3. Only thing missing on the current Mavic 2 is the 4K 60fps but you can currently record 2.7K at 60fps with it, which is almost 4K. Spark is way too noisy for use without annoying everyone within earshot. Mavic folded up is barely larger than a Spark. EVO is also much quieter, much like the M2.
Adam Lisberg of DJI told a podcast this week that the rollout of ADS-B implementation for all DJI drones starting Jan 2020 has put a wrinkle in their plans for rollout of new drones and hinted at a sub 250 for a Spark 2 with fold able arms.
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I can get 800 feet too. 800 feet is still terrible for a drone that advertises >4miles. I never have that issue with Occusync.

I doubt that the Evo—or any other drone of its size—would be visible to the naked eye at 800 yards, let alone 4 miles.
While I agree with most of what you said here, I'm confused on the OLED discussion. It wasn't the technology that I had an issue with - it was just the implementation of the onboard screen. Without any kind of directional indicators or maps, it was really not much more useful than the Mavic's simple LCD readout.

If you want maps, all you have to do is download a Google map of where you anticipate flying prior to flight. The map will be on your phone in the Explorer app after you download.
I doubt that the Evo—or any other drone of its size—would be visible to the naked eye at 800 yards, let alone 4 miles.

We were talking 800 feet, not 800 yards. In addition, I use FAA approved strobe lighting (one on each leg, red/green in the front, white in the back) which GREATLY enhances visibility.

If you want maps, all you have to do is download a Google map of where you anticipate flying prior to flight. The map will be on your phone in the Explorer app after you download.

No it won't. That was the whole point of the complaint and there's a whole thread on it -> No map detail. Explorer won't use the downloaded map. Apparently it used to, but it stopped as of a few revisions ago, and Autel's position is that it isn't supported...only 'caching' is.

Sorry, I write long posts too lol

Leaf and I seemed to be on the same journey concerning our initial issues. We both purchased o think within days of eachother and both returned our rugged packages to BB for replacements due to the controller fan issues. Since Leaf posted his thoughts I think I'll add some of my own.
Now I cant compare to similar priced drones as my "best" before this was/is some Yuneec Breezes I purchased new or repaired when the price had dropped to $150 and Ebay was loaded with cheapos for parts. Own lots of other drones like the Bugs 3 minis to pro because they are inexpensive and great for learning. I did spend BIG hours researching though if that counts.
I would say without a doubt there is no better deals out there than the Evo. For the $ there's just too much free stuff that comes with deals like BB at least had at the time. I think for the $999 price right now they give 2 extra batteries and a $50 egift card plus you can get another 5% back in points ($50 value) if you use your BB card or $100 if you sign up for their card first and use it for the purchase. When I bought it it was the whole on the go bag plus $100 egift card plus 64gb V30 microsd card.
According to everything I've read and watched the 4k video quality is better than anything else in the price range other than the now discontinued latest Phantom. I personally wish that when you searched for reviews on the Evo people would be smart enough to look at the ones a year after it came out as it is now a "mature" product.
By the way, shame on DJI for hyping up the Hasselhoff errrrr I mean hasselblad. To me it's like bait and switch. I think they should offer a free switch to the zoom camera and a couple $100 back or a complete refund. I was seriously tempted to get it and glad I didnt. Dont take this personal, it's my opinion.
I'm betting I would be pretty happy with the zoom as far as flight and video quality go.
From what I've seen with the DJI software I think I would like it better than Autels. I just think it shows more of the information on screen the way I would like to see it. Dont know why Autel doesnt have a lot more flight modes. Dont get that part although to be honest I dont really use them. I do however wish I could select what I want to on the screen in orbit mode and have it orbit from the distance away I'm already at rather than having to fly over it first for setup.
I dont really use follow me mode but its disappointing that it wont terrain track to follow up hills. With all those sensors why cant it?
Havent had any issues with signal loss other than I'm facing the wrong direction. I specifically tried flying into an open area in very thick trees from about 400 feet away with no issue. It was not in a residential area.
Maybe I'm missing something but I would like a way to turn off any kind of auto land feature if I needed to because I was either stupid or maybe the wind was working against me. If say I was over water trying to get back it would be pretty awful if it sunk and what was left in my battery could have saved it. I would rather land with potential battery damage than lose my drone.
I mention the last one because I had a disconnect once with a yuneec breeze and I though I had lost it for sure. It surprisingly managed to RTH and land safely with 2% battery left. I was so sure it was going to come crashing down because I couldnt reconnect.
I love the videos it takes in precision mode and that you can adjust the speed up from default.
I dont like that you cant quickly change between precision,normal and ludicrous quickly. I could have used that ability over and over again to get between locations.
I dont like how the props touch the drone top when closed.
I dont like how you sometimes get a bit of horizon tilt when you yaw.
I dont like that they never really made the controller A/B buttons programmable and that I had to buy some bumpers to stop hitting them.
I dont like that they way overstayed the flight time like everyone else.
Havent needed any but it's weird that they dont give you a complete set of props. Every single cheaper drone I have came with a complete set.
I think the should have included at least 32gb of storage.

All that being said Autel does not have the buying power of DJI and to keep the price down you cant get all that stuff. Imagine what a $1500 Evo would be though. Very satisfied with the price point and very very glad that they are US based and actually allow you to own your drone if you follow me....
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Speaking of journeys, as I said I'm still searching for the perfect cam quad. I've been spending more time with my Spark over the past couple of days, and I have to say, I really like that bird. If it did 4K I think I'd sell all the others, including my Evo. It doesn't have a ton of range, but it's stable, reliable, and I love the gesture mode. It's nice to stop on the side of the road, boot it up, double click the back and have it take off from your hand, switch to controller mode, do whatever, than have it land back in your hand. I also like that I don't have to waste time unfolding it. It's tiny, and feels rock solid. It also packs up in a VERY small, light case. We'll see what the S2 brings.

I've been tempted to buy a spark but at this point I would like to wait and see what a spark 2 has to offer. I recently read something about DJI not being in any hurry to put out anything though. Not sure when they do their new product intros. I would bet anything a new spark would have 4k. 2020 will be the year of almost all drones over $300 having 4k I think.
Honestly I really wanted to get a typhoon but Yuneec just doesnt seem interested in competing with the capabilities of the newer drones. I dont get the direction they are heading. Why would you put out the Mantis with basically the same camera system as the Breeze for the kind of $ they are asking? Seemed like a really stupid move.
I want to like the anafi but I've heard nothing but bad concerning product support. The price is decent though and it would be cool to have one. I like that they tried something new to set themselves apart.

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