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New Geo-Fencing auto installed on a Evo Max N!!!!


Oct 29, 2023
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A friend that just got back from a business trip to Darwin Australia where he was supposed to Demo the Evo Max N Drone to Group involved with Crocodile management in Northern Australia. He reports the Drone did not even start up, just sat there. He had permission to fly from a local airport he was near the 1st day but he failed to get it airborne. He reported the issue to Autel but burned another 2 days before getting a reply and a fix that did nothing to turn off the Geo-fencing that should not have been secretly installed without his knowledge. My concern is I am planning on taking my Eco II version 3 to Australia this coming November. Autel had advertisements last year when I purchased it that their drones were free of Geo-fencing! If not they should refund my money because that is why I wrote the check. I am reading more and a more from very skilled pilots they cannot work and are loosing time and money attempting to work. Everything from gimbal failures to other items. They seem sturdy enough or are the people writing the software insufficient for the job. Is there a listing by model for what countries outside of the United States other than of course near and airport etc that the drone will actually turn on. Is there a button to turn it off. I want the dam thing to fly. If this is like Tiktoc the Chinese should have to sell the company to a US regulated branch where it will be a separate entity if we are so paranoid of nuclear war starting from me flying my recreational Drone. William Lamoreaux is not impressed.
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