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  1. D

    Antenna broke

    Hi i broke the antenna of my evo max drone controller and i want to buy new one but i dont know which antenna i need to look for can someone give me any directions of what i need and can i use the drone with one antenna? Thanks
  2. T

    camera folders

    is there a way for me to have photos taken in different modes such as single and AEB be sorted into separate folders then just dumped into one folder on the autel evo 2?
  3. V

    Confused about EVO LITE+ restrictions, need help!

    so i have ordered the evo lite+, and its on its way, but having read the online manual im suddenly concerned about this section: 4. The vision system and ultrasonic system are affected by the surface brightness and texture below the aircraft. Avoid flying above the following surfaces: – Surface...
  4. C

    How to not get scammed?

    Hi. Anyone got any good tips on how I can know if someone are tryna scam me. I would love if someone could start a conversation with me, because im trying to buy from the Evo 2 pro fly more from someone. And need help to know if hes legit.
  5. matttrue

    Starlink help!

    All of my flights in my star link app flight log say unknown location and I cannot figure out how to change that. I have GPS lock before a fly as a new guy but no option to name a flight and I am starting to get enough I want to keep track of them all. Thank you for any help! Matt
  6. L

    Land Survey

    Hey Everyone, So got a call today about a large land survey and had a question for you guys. Has anyone ever done a land survey with the XSP? I've done them for fun mostly and to make sure I could actually do it using one of the mapping services out there. He's wanting 1200 acres done and while...
  7. J

    Noob Question: Uploading Videos

    Hello fellow drone enthusiasts. I have an X-Star Premium and have taken some sick videos and I now want to share them with the world. I'd like to get these videos from my computer to my iphone so I can upload them to the internet. As you probably know, most of these videos are too big to...
  8. J

    Noob Question: Uploading videos

    Hello fellow drone enthusiasts. I have an X-Star Premium and have taken some sick videos and I now want to share them with the world. I'd like to get these videos from my computer to my iphone so I can upload them to the internet. As you probably know, most of these videos are too big to...