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All Things Autel - Q&A with Autel Robotics' MAX LEE!


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2021
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Well it's finally official. Autel Robotics head guy said they are moving away from the consumer market. We knew that but this is the first time I've heard anyone from Autel say it. It's at the 2:45 mark in this video. In other news an Enterprise 'Lite' with dual cameras appear to be on the horizon.
I’m new to this forum & in a low speed cell service area.
I just flew my Autel EVO Nano Plus & got great shots.
But… at altitude, still in sight, straight up, I lost connection with it. My screen went gray. Audio said “not connected”.
But I was able to pull the altitude controller down & landed it. Could move side to side before landing
Then I quit the app & restarted it. Never powered down the drone. Flew it low & all went well.
Any ideas why?
I should have restarted the app when the drone was a few foot hovering over grass. I don’t want to do that at altitude.
Well it's finally official. Autel Robotics head guy said they are moving away from the consumer market. We knew that but this is the first time I've heard anyone from Autel say it. It's at the 2:45 mark in this video. In other news an Enterprise 'Lite' with dual cameras appear to be on the horizon.
So is this why customer service and support is 0 ? Funny Autel didn't mention this when selling me the Autel Evo Max N drone!
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Bad Decision Autel, lots if Hate coming your way. For a "race" that fears Karma, youd think they'd know & act better.
Right here we learn Autel is run by bad people.

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