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XSP First Video

Nice video!!! Looks like a great place to get lost in life!!!! I love it!!! :)
Very nice video! The hillsides in West Virgina are beautiful, i sure would hate to lose my drone in all those trees.
Me too orange crush, I make it a point to calibrate every time and check system. The XSP makes it a little easier than my X-350 which always went out on a wing and prayer.
A wing & a prayer sounds scary, i fly mine a lot in the mountains with thick pines & i feel ya! The scary part is when your out a ways & your battery goes from 50% power to 6% instantly! now that's scary! Iv'e had it happen a couple of times & was lucky enough to make it back with 1% left. Autel determined the batteries were bad and replaced them but not my shorts i soiled! Now i'm a little more cautious on long flights in heavily wooded areas but don't know if i should be. All 3 batteries were bought at the same time, maybe got a bad bunch, we'll see.
Yes I see your videos bud and can say totally agree, it is what it is I guess, I lost video Saturday because of the hills and trees,. I pushed it a bit to far for the surroundings, but was able to gain altitude and get it back out of pucker mode. PS. Your videos are amazing

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