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What I find interesting is...


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2017
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the fact that the Evo can be pre-ordered from 2 different sources...and neither is AR itself.

Dark Side.jpg
Yeah...the price! ;)
That much is true lol. But, the reason I say something is up is because if DX is selling those then that means that they are getting them directly from the manufacturer. I know they're in China and the regulations are different but I would think DJI would have a contract with the manufacturer to only sell to them. So something is definately up besides the price.
I'm slow tonight...;)

What are you getting at? It's a P4P. Who DOESN'T sell them? LOL Not sure I would buy something from them anyway.
I'm slow tonight...;)

What are you getting at? It's a P4P. Who DOESN'T sell them? LOL Not sure I would buy something from them anyway.
DX buys direct from manufacturers. I would think that the manufacturer would only be able to sell to DJI unless something happened.
Ummm...DJI IS the manufacturer. ;)
lol no. DJI's manufacturer is a factory in China that they order from. That factory makes many items for many companies and labels them for them. Usually the manufacturer has a contract with the buyer (DJI in this situation) to not sell the item to any other party. DX usually buys all their stuff from the manufacturer/factory that produces them.
Same with all Autels stuff. All made in China and branded with their logo.
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lol no. DJI's manufacturer is a factory in China that they order from. That factory makes many items for many companies and labels them for them. Usually the manufacturer has a contract with the buyer (DJI in this situation) to not sell the item to any other party. DX usually buys all their stuff from the manufacturer/factory that produces them.
Same with all Autels stuff. All made in China and branded with their logo.
All of the above. It's called private labeling and China has made a science of it. I have family who are in the women's shoe business. You would be amazed at how the same shoe is labeled to multiple distributors throughout the world from the same production line. The same shoe would retail from $20 - $350, depending on the label. Such a rip off. It's one of the ways the design/marketing company gets a price break on the same product.

It would not surprise me, in the least, to learn that the XSPs and Phantoms are manufactured by the same company on productions lines right next to one another. The XSP goes left and the Phantom goes right at the end of the line.

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