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Turkey Vultures. Up close & personal. They are an ugly bird. Video shot with the Autel EVO II V.2 with Smart Controller.

Dale EVO 2 V2

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2021
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Flew my new Autel EVO II drone down at the old St. Joseph's Hospital(Nursing home now). I live in Ontario, Canada about one hour south of Toronto. I wanted to get some footage of the turkey vultures that have been hanging about on top of the smokestack for the past few years or so. I believe they hang out there because there is heat coming from the boiler or whatever the smokestack emits. You can see from the video there are heat waves coming up by the vultures. With the temperature only being about 3 Celsius today I guess they are just trying to stay warm like the rest of us. The vultures were very skittish when I flew close with the noise of the drone so I had to zoom in quite a ways so it made the video very grainy. Can't be a videographer when flying all the time. They kept flying away when I got close and were getting too close for comfort so I couldn't get too fancy. I'm sure I will get better shots this summer with this drone but I will have to wait for better weather. Safe flying.............Dale.

B.T.W. Only got about one mile out on a separate mission before I totally lost signal to the drone and had to return home. So much for the dual battery extended range Alientech antenna. Only got that same distance yesterday with the same setup with the Autel EVO II Version 2 drone with Version 2 Smart Controller. Did I just waste $700.00 Canadian with this Alientech? I was getting just as far without the Alientech with the smart controller. I am disappointed with my money spent on this very expensive equipment. Bought on Amazon.ca and I think I may need to return it for my money back.
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Hello Dale,

Turkey Vultures, that brings back to memory an old western movie “Mackenna's Gold”, Actually the theme song “Old Turkey Buzzard” which is my favorite old time western movie.

Those vultures huddled on the smoke stack are definitely enjoying the heat, smart birds.

Try manual 2.4Ghz with the DUO, I’m using a regular AlienTech 2.4Ghz Pro on my SmartController V1. Definitely should see a difference, maybe a defective cable that happened to me a couple of times.

Try manual 2.4Ghz, see if this helps and keep us posted 👍

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I will try 2.4 GHz and see. Thanks for the heads up Paul.
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