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The iOS Explorer app V1.6.5 is now officially released!

Hi Paul,
when I click the link, its still good. Should be for about a week I think. Let me know if it is still not working. Yes, you should be able to do this...download and save to your SD card. The files will be zipped, but the ipad should be able to unzip and save to the SD card.
Thank you Quad,

I’ll try the iPhone next later when returning home, worse case scenario the SD card reader will not be a waste if I can’t figure this out. Still need a card reader to upload pictures/videos to iPad using SD card. It’s much faster than using app.

Thanks again ?
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Thank you Quad,

I’ll try the iPhone next later when returning home, worse case scenario the SD card reader will not be a waste if I can’t figure this out. Still need a card reader to upload pictures/videos to iPad using SD card. It’s much faster than using app.

Thanks again ?

Hey Paul,

How about having one of your neighbors get it for you on their computer?
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Wow, 1.6.5 for Iphone works like a charm for me. Just ran it through it's paces. I set the two buttons for gimble and map control for now. Like the two quick beeps before it takes effect - quick but prevents it going into effect when you as I do often touch the button by mistake. Turning the Radar sound off is finally a reality! Setting the distance for the radar is a welcome change as well. Very happy!!!
Hey Paul,

How about having one of your neighbors get it for you on their computer?
Hey Paul,

How about having one of your neighbors get it for you on their computer?

Hello Retarmy,

That’s a great suggestion, or a family member with computer will work.

Unfortunately, With C-19 that’s keeping us social distancing even with family. My sister living a couple miles away, we don’t go into each other’s homes only met outside once since C-19 started. And that was social distancing with mask, appreciate the suggestion.

Did manage to upload 2.3.3. to both iPhone and iPad, but I don’t know how to transfer it to the SD card reader. Tried everything, just couldn’t figure it out. It’s okay, can still fly Evo 2 Pro as long as I don’t use RTH. Everything else works great, no issues there.

Thanks again,
autel is not going to be happy about the downgrade software so many that will inspire them to fix this in the next version of software.
autel is not going to be happy about the downgrade software so many that will inspire them to fix this in the next version of software.
This has been a problem for weeks now. It's a firmware downgrade not software. Software has always been downgradable for Android. If you have a car that won't work and the manufacturer has not fixed it yet will you not want it fixed asap? I would hope they are happy that this gives them the time to get a new firmware update out before everyone starts crashing their drone. They should have fixed this by now with a new FW update already.
This has been a problem for weeks now. It's a firmware downgrade not software. Software has always been downgradable for Android. If you have a car that won't work and the manufacturer has not fixed it yet will you not want it fixed asap? I would hope they are happy that this gives them the time to get a new firmware update out before everyone starts crashing their drone. They should have fixed this by now with a new FW update already.
I get it and I agree but no manufacturer will be happy when the current is rejected and customers want to go back whether it's firmware or software, app or otherwise. they need to get it together. they read this forum for sure.
I get it and I agree but no manufacturer will be happy when the current is rejected and customers want to go back whether it's firmware or software, app or otherwise. they need to get it together. they read this forum for sure.
They are not on here as much as you might think. Last time we even knew that any of them were here was in the XSP days.
The current FW needed to be rejected because it can easily cause failure (and serious bad news for Autel if left that way). Whether they like it or not, someone fixed it for them and they need to step up (as you said).
Edit: Users are not forced to update but the trust laid into the company was there. So let them downgrade if that's what suits them. They need to like the downgrade feature just in case this happens again and put the pride aside.
It's simple. They released a firmware to the world in hopes to get feedback from their users and fix whatever users complain the most about (Autel's modus operandi so far). Sadly firmware version 2.5.0 broke so many things that the negatives overweighted the positives and these forums were overcrowded with complaints about it.

A fellow member who has knowledge of drone hacking owns the Evo II and was faced with this harship, so he decided to take matters into his own hands and was successful. He decided to share his finding and give relief to other members who were frustrated. I know he helped me tons, not having to read post after post complaining how 2.5.0 ruined their drone.

If Autel is upset because of the firmware downgrade hack. That is their problem. Next time they should not release a firmware that it isn't ready for the world, or at least label it as beta, so only experienced users try it out and face the consequences if any.

You are in no way modifying the firmware installed into your drone, therefore you are not voiding your warranty in any way. If downgrading makes your drone fly better and you enjoy it more, I see no harm there.
It's simple. They released a firmware to the world in hopes to get feedback from their users and fix whatever users complain the most about (Autel's modus operandi so far). Sadly firmware version 2.5.0 broke so many things that the negatives overweighted the positives and these forums were overcrowded with complaints about it.

A fellow member who has knowledge of drone hacking owns the Evo II and was faced with this harship, so he decided to take matters into his own hands and was successful. He decided to share his finding and give relief to other members who were frustrated. I know he helped me tons, not having to read post after post complaining how 2.5.0 ruined their drone.

If Autel is upset because of the firmware downgrade hack. That is their problem. Next time they should not release a firmware that it isn't ready for the world, or at least label it as beta, so only experienced users try it out and face the consequences if any.

You are in no way modifying the firmware installed into your drone, therefore you are not voiding your warranty in any way. If downgrading makes your drone fly better and you enjoy it more, I see no harm there.
I agree but I only meant it in a positive way; they are unhappy so they will do their best to make it right quickly. I know I wouldn't want my customers to reject the latest and the goal is to try to gain 100% compliance on current so I'm sure they are working on it. have we forgotten so quickly when the new software was released with improvements how everyone was so happy? not trying to defend autel but I think we need to give them to benefit of the doubt like their dji competitors always get from their customers. I'm all for hacking and rolling back and I would not be happy if autel tried to block this but you can't expect them to include this "feature" if you don't like it just press this button and put it back. I predict we will be blown away by the next update. :) I'm new to autel in 2020 so I don't have much history with them but I love the evo 2 and I want to see them succeed so I'm pulling for them and hope they get it right. plus, like others, I've spent a ton on this. :)
I agree but I only meant it in a positive way; they are unhappy so they will do their best to make it right quickly. ....

I agree that they may not like it so much, but on the other hand....they have made the decision to not have downgrading of firmware available, and that really doesn't make sense. Heck even DJI makes downgrading available, until they don't. (as in locked firmware) I was thinking about the support aspect...having all their drones on the same firmware level...but even that doesn't make sense, since Autel doesn't force firmware updates.
Keeping customers happy is the name of the game, as long as safety isn't a factor in firmware. The latest firmware, in my opinion, could be considered unsafe...but don't think there have been crashes because of it, but it does affect performance.
At Drone-Hacks we are glad to have been able to bring this downgrade capability to Autel owners. The capability was there all along, we just are able to find these capabilities and bring it to you. You decide what you want to do or not to do.
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