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Jan 23, 2018
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I've been contacted by a Seattle-based company to see of a 'drone show' would be a possibility for an event they are to have. I'm currently working through ideas with them but am thinking I may need a few more pilots. I prefer FAA certified individuals. I have my FAA cert and will have a friend with me (whom I'll be overseeing and in the midst of helping him get his FAA cert), which already accounts for two drones.

How many people are local (Seattle-Tacoma area) who may be keen and have an Autel? I would like to be uniform in the drones if possible, which is why I'm not looking for DJI drones as of yet.
You might actually contact Autel as a number of their employees just might fit your bill. And, Autel is in Bothell, which is just up the street from Seattle.
You might actually contact Autel as a number of their employees just might fit your bill. And, Autel is in Bothell, which is just up the street from Seattle.

Good day Cori. You are correct. I contacted them yesterday and haven't heard back as of yet. If I get the final okay from the company, I will likely call Autel instead of an email and see if they can assist. I've been to Autel to drop off one of my XStar Premiums when for repairs a while back. The person I talked to was pretty good.
I would definitely recommend a phone call over an email. :)
Sounds like you're on the right track! :)
For the past couple years the National Drone Show was coupled with the Government Video Expo in Washington, DC. I find a couple of web pages announcing the date of the NDS in conjunction with the Gov Video Expo but as I look at the exhibitor's page on the Gov Video web site I don't see any drone companies occupying booth space. Nor do I see space set aside for the drone cage. It looks like it may not come together this year as the show date is only a couple weeks away from the time of this writing. Therefore, you may have some success reaching out to some of the companies who will not be represented this year in Washington DC. One of the Pro AV companies who had a very large and impressive display of many types of drones is Stampede. The Leader in Pro AV Distribution - Stampede Global They appear to rep for many of the drone manufacturers and certainly demonstrate their capabilities along with some of the add-ons they create for each drone. I'm sure much of this same type of thing goes on at the CES in Las Vegas but the National Drone Show seems to have been much more professional and commercial in nature rather than hobbiest oriented.

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