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Nano plus camera refuses manual setting.


New Member
Nov 25, 2023
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Hello all, I hope someone can help! I have been attempting to record/photograph Christmas lights outside at night. I need to use manual settings as on auto the exposure is too much, and all the lights are washed out and just bright blobs. I can set manual exposure before lift off, but straight after lift off the settings revert to auto. All I then have on screen is a list showing shutter speed, iso, and wb. These cannot be changed. If I take off in auto then try to switch to manual, the same happens. Surely there must be a way of telling the camera that I want control? The nano is running on the latest firmware, and I have tried uninstalling firmware completely and then re-instating, but the same happens. It's almost as if the camera decides that the conditions are too tricky for a human to handle, so auto is the only option. I am hoping that it's just me being thick, and someone can point me in the right direction. TIA, Paul
1] Check, recheck and check again if you on latest App & firmware [official Autel page]
2] Takeoff aircraft, then do settings and then do your thing.
1] Check, recheck and check again if you on latest App & firmware [official Autel page]
2] Takeoff aircraft, then do settings and then do your thing.
Thanks for reply. I've already uninstalled and re-installed, about to try again!! (Uninstall and re-install)

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