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Nano+ 50MP never going to be hi res right?


New Member
Apr 16, 2024
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Hi all,
I've spent a bit of time poking around the site here. I got buried deep with @Landey descriptions from 2022 explaining the 12.5Mp vs 50MP.

Since most post are from 2022 I was wondering if there have been any decent updates to the firmware/algorithm that have improved things.

I need high res (or as high as I can get) photos from my Nano+ for roof inspections. The photos are uploaded to a server that then uses "AI" to scan for signs of roof damage from hail/wind. The finer the details, the better the results. I haven't seen much difference in my results when changing between 12MP and 50MP settings in the software.

Any suggestions for best settings? Work flow is... 1)fly drone for 10 minutes 2) land drone and download photos to iphone 3) upload photos to website. 4) website takes 20 minutes to analyze and then generate a PDF report.

If the pics won't ever get better with the Nano+ because of physical limitations (although I can make do with current results).... will I have better luck with another Autel drone?

Or does DJI have different setup that would work best for my described needs?

Thank you for the feedback
Not sure what your trying to say. The Nano is 50mp (48? truely) Photo.
Remember the Resolution of photos is less if your Videoing at same time, 8mp.
Thank you for the reply. I apologize for not summarizing better. I see no difference when I zoom in on my Nano+ photos between the 12MP and 48MP.

I shoot the photos between 6-8 feet away from the roof. The granules get just as pixelated when zoomed in between both settings.

I wanted to figure out why and ended up down the rabbit hole with discussions on websites about Autel camera really only being a 12.5MP that does “stuff” to upscale to 50MP. Most websites concurred that although there may be more color depth when in 50MP, upon zooming the detail won’t be any better than the 12.5mp.

I’m trying to determine if there is a way to get better detail with my Nano+… or if I need another drone/brand.

Thank you for any feedback
Thank you for the reply. I apologize for not summarizing better. I see no difference when I zoom in on my Nano+ photos between the 12MP and 48MP.

I shoot the photos between 6-8 feet away from the roof. The granules get just as pixelated when zoomed in between both settings.

I wanted to figure out why and ended up down the rabbit hole with discussions on websites about Autel camera really only being a 12.5MP that does “stuff” to upscale to 50MP. Most websites concurred that although there may be more color depth when in 50MP, upon zooming the detail won’t be any better than the 12.5mp.

I’m trying to determine if there is a way to get better detail with my Nano+… or if I need another drone/brand.

Thank you for any feedback
I've got several cameras and the N+ is certainly far better than 12.5mp.
I dont know what magic it is supposedly doing but I can zoom way in with its images, far more than other cameras I have.
Are you sure youve set camera to RAW?
I had seen definite differences zooming in.. Remember taking pictures while filming won't give you very high but they are good.. You have to be in picture mode. And you will notice it sits there longer to take each picture. You can check the info later that its 50mp and the file is huge.. You can zoom in much more. I find its more visible when on the computer looking directly from the sd card. Its still seen if you uploaded to the phone but wondering if there is loss on that transfer thru the app?
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