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Meet the EVO!!! Autel's new bird!!

Yup but a very loud noise LOL

Here is a interesting feature that they will be working on for the EVO. I think the spark and mavik have this option.
If you don't want to use a controller you can use your cell phone. This would be good for follow me.
Thats a WiFi switch

" It will change the receiver to use Wi-Fi or remote control, it's not supported at this time"
Yup but a very loud noise LOL

Here is a interesting feature that they will be working on for the EVO. I think the spark and mavik have this option.
If you don't want to use a controller you can use your cell phone. This would be good for follow me.
Thats a WiFi switch

" It will change the receiver to use Wi-Fi or remote control, it's not supported at this time"
View attachment 1809
Is that "your photo" or theirs? Not sure what I'm looking at.

Also, I'm likely missing something on the spec of a 7km range. Other than having a stronger/reliable communications channel with the EVO, who can maintain a visual at 4+ miles out?
Its a photo from facebook from one of the people that went to CES 2018.
Of course there is no way to keep LOS any where past 3500 feet with something that small but I think they just wanted to make something more reliable. Its up to the pilot to use common sense as always.
The Mavic also said it will do 7Km but if you do a simple search for Mavic range you will see that its not always possible :)
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Until then I am just as happy flying the X-Star :)

Me too. As I've mentioned before, it does everything I expected it to do, does it well, and I've had no problems with flyaways, failures to start or take off, or any of the other problems some have had.

I probably won't go for the Evo, but not because I don't trust Autel. I just don't need four drones.

My pickup is 20 years old. We've been in our house for 30 years. Wifey's car is 10 years old. I guess you could say I'm not inclined to chase the latest and greatest. :D

But I enjoy watching those who do.
who can maintain a visual at 4+ miles out?

Nobody. Hell, I can't even see my XSP once it gets out about 3,000 feet!

There's all sorts of arguments about what's 'legal', but no one pays much attention to that stuff. The more you can brag about how far out you can get, the cooler your product looks. Never mind the attention this draws from either drone haters, or the fed. I fear someday, somewhere, someone is going to do something really stupid, and here will come the 'crap storm'. :eek:
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Yup I still would be using my old flip up cell phone if it wasn't for my provider forcing me into a upgrade. LOL

Get this! I still have two working (well, I can turn them on) Motorola Bag Phones. When the signal went bad I could usually talk through the static. Not so with my (now aging) Samsung S4.
It ensures you will get one sooner than those who do not pre-order is all thats about
Ok, I hear ya...I guess I've just never been that enthralled with a mass produced item...I've always gotten a chuckle out of watching crazy people camp out overnight in 15F weather at the NYC Apple store for a chance to buy the ipPhoneX first....who knows, maybe I'm the crazy one!
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Get this! I still have two working (well, I can turn them on) Motorola Bag Phones. When the signal went bad I could usually talk through the static. Not so with my (now aging) Samsung S4.

Hey hold on to those! I spent 27 years in the wireless network biz and amassed a bit of a museum collection myself...the Moto 6000 bag phone and the 8000 portable were the first units we deployed in the NY area..they were indestructible and now becoming collector's items!
Here is a comprehensive review of the Evo that I haven't seen on the forum:

Not like he didn't leave enough hints that he wants to get a free EVO to review :)
I have watched a few of his blogs and some of his ideas are way out there but like he said the camera that comes with the first round of EVO's is not enough to make me want one. This time next year if they have a 1 inch sensor then maybe but by then DJI will have blown this EVO out of the water with something else that Autel will have to catch up to. They are two years behind in everything they do.
Really to bad as I like the company.
Not like he didn't leave enough hints that he wants to get a free EVO to review :)
I have watched a few of his blogs and some of his ideas are way out there but like he said the camera that comes with the first round of EVO's is not enough to make me want one. This time next year if they have a 1 inch sensor then maybe but by then DJI will have blown this EVO out of the water with something else that Autel will have to catch up to. They are two years behind in everything they do.
Really to bad as I like the company.
While I normally agree with you, this EVO will mean they are not two years behind anymore. The Mavic is only 14ish months old, hasn't even hit the two year mark. If Autel's marketing is correct (in regards to hardware, not software, since the EVO is not yet released) then the EVO is superior to the Mavic. Now if DJI does release a Mavic 2 at their event this month, then Autel will probably be somewhat behind with their EVO, but not if Autel releases a EVO with the 1" sensor.
While I normally agree with you, this EVO will mean they are not two years behind anymore. The Mavic is only 14ish months old, hasn't even hit the two year mark. If Autel's marketing is correct (in regards to hardware, not software, since the EVO is not yet released) then the EVO is superior to the Mavic. Now if DJI does release a Mavic 2 at their event this month, then Autel will probably be somewhat behind with their EVO, but not if Autel releases a EVO with the 1" sensor.

OH I agree but they always seem to be behind. They have a nice new platform thats for sure but many of us that what something better will not jump on the first release of the EVO.
Like I said this time next year will be very interesting to see where they go from here. No 1 inch sensor they will still be just a catch up company in my opinion.
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I'm sorry for my ignorance here, but just what exactly is the "one inch sensor" everyone is all worked up over? o_O
Is that "your photo" or theirs? Not sure what I'm looking at.

Also, I'm likely missing something on the spec of a 7km range. Other than having a stronger/reliable communications channel with the EVO, who can maintain a visual at 4+ miles out?
No one can see that far with naked eye. Those who fly that far jeopardize having the rest of our's all taken away: WATCH: Private drones cause increasing concern on Capitol Hill Please do not fly beyond the VLOS until it is authorized.
No one can see that far with naked eye. Those who fly that far jeopardize having the rest of our's all taken away: WATCH: Private drones cause increasing concern on Capitol Hill Please do not fly beyond the VLOS until it is authorized.
Exactly!!! From what I can see on the horizon and discussions with my attorney (whom I make tea for every morning), it's going to get worse before it gets better. However, when it appears the only safe place to fly is North of the Arctic Circle, there are always ways. It's simply a matter of being willing to jump through the necessary hoops.

Case in point. I checked with the ATC briefing folks the other day about an IFR route I wanted to fly. They gave me a NOTAM about drone activity on the approach end of the runway I was planning on using. Upon arrival at the airport, I asked the FBO what where the details. He said "Oh, that's over with. A father and his son were arrested for flying their drone up through the fog and got in the path of a aircraft landing under an IFR flight plan. Closing the airspace to all but commercial/registered UAV operators under approved exemptions is now one of the options being considered.

I'm beginning to entertain thoughts that forced geofencing (three-dimensional) might be called for. It flys against all the reasons I fell in love with aviation in 1962 but things are heading that way behind the scenes. We continue to cut off our noses to spite our face by doing dumb ****.

I'm entertaining the idea of holding free seminars to those who want to learn the "rules of the sky". I have approached the mayor in my hometown about issuing certificates of participation, in exchange for shutting down the airspace altogether. Sort of like the gun safety classes. He's taking it under consideration. We're having pizza tonight to discuss the details further.

By your kid a drone for xmas/birthday (etc) and get free lessons.........
It's simply a matter of being willing to jump through the necessary hoops.... ATC briefing... IFR route... NOTAM... ...FBO... ...IFR flight plan.

It’s irresponsible & illegal to rape & pillage, but nobody is required to go to rape & pillage school.

If a person is intelligent enough to fly a quadcopter, they can understand the rules& regs. If an UAV hobbyist chooses to become an outlaw, requiring them to attend a class, pass an exam, & get a permit will not control their arrogance.

In the link you quoted, WATCH: Private drones cause increasing concern on Capitol Hill, the owner of Rising Phoenix Aviation flight school in Virginia told Congress “testing may not be rigorous enough". He has a lifetime of aeronautical knowledge that he is anxious to sell, but avoiding airplanes is basically very simple.

I’ll keep my X-Star away from airports, under 400', in sight unless it briefly passes behind a tree, & I’ll bring it down for low flying airplanes & helicopters, but I see no need “to jump through the (un)necessary hoops” that are really designed to limit UAV use.
Well said. Passing a test will not make a pilot safer only makes for an educated ******* who knows he is breaking the rules but doesn't care.
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