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Is the X-Star Premium a suitable drone for aerial imagery/orthomosaic maps/GIS?

So I've made a decision to buy the Autel XSP and here's my reasoning why:

1. The XSP doesn't have restrictions on where you can fly it. Some of the work I'll be doing will be within 5 miles of (small) airports and this would be a HUGE problem if I got a DJI drone and their restrictions don't allow me to fly there. I need a drone that can fly in these areas (getting the proper permission and then flying it safely of course).
2. Better customer service and reviews: The XSP consistently ranks higher than other drones, especially DJI, in both quality and customer service. I can't have a drone that is going to be in firmware update he77 constantly.
3. Can change out camera: I'm considering at some point getting the FLIR Duo so having this as an option is a plus
4. I'm betting that pretty soon a major drone mapping service will have built and released an app that does autoflight mapping missions. Not guaranteed (and I can still fly it manually) so we'll see.
So are you able to use PrecisionMapper with your Autel? Looking at their support forum, it only supports DJI multi-rotors?

I can use the post processing features of making maps, not the flight line mapping of precision flight....though I did try for the heck of it....the app could not link up or find the autel.

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