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I’m Considering Purchasing Another EVO II Pro

I’ve been watching the Black Friday prices and I’ve thought about picking up another EVO II Pro. Am I crazy for considering this?

Do you already have one that works well? I still think my EVO II Pro V1 works great, if it dropped out of the sky tomorrow its replacement would be another EVO II Pro. Even with that said though, I wouldn't get another one unless my current one stopped working. IMO, a discount on a second one is not a good enough reason to get a second one. If you already needed a second one (for redundancy, or for some other reason), then a time limited offer might be a good time to buy one, but it definitely shouldn't be the main reason.

Drones aren't quite like other equipment I use. For example, picking up a second or third camera or tripod or lens can make sense for certain scenarios because I can use them at the same time. With a drone though, no matter how many you own, unless you are running a company with multiple employees, you can't really use more than one at a time so I am a lot less likely to buy an additional drone vs other types of cameras.
Do you already have one that works well? I still think my EVO II Pro V1 works great, if it dropped out of the sky tomorrow its replacement would be another EVO II Pro. Even with that said though, I wouldn't get another one unless my current one stopped working. IMO, a discount on a second one is not a good enough reason to get a second one. If you already needed a second one (for redundancy, or for some other reason), then a time limited offer might be a good time to buy one, but it definitely shouldn't be the main reason.

Drones aren't quite like other equipment I use. For example, picking up a second or third camera or tripod or lens can make sense for certain scenarios because I can use them at the same time. With a drone though, no matter how many you own, unless you are running a company with multiple employees, you can't really use more than one at a time so I am a lot less likely to buy an additional drone vs other types of cameras.
My thought was redundancy or backup. Having the option to grab drone #2 in the event #1 fails and I’m working on something time sensitive. At $2500+ adding a second drone didn’t make much sense. Not that $1800 is cheap but it’s a bit easier to digest.
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My thought was redundancy or backup. Having the option to grab drone #2 in the event #1 fails and I’m working on something time sensitive. At $2500+ adding a second drone didn’t make much sense. Not that $1800 is cheap but it’s a bit easier to digest.

If I am working on a big enough project that it needs a level of redundancy or piece of equipment that I do not currently have; I take a page out of Hollywood's book, and rent the extra equipment then add the rental fee to the client's invoice. Way cheaper than owning something that immediately starts costing me money, adding complexity to my setup, and is depreciating faster than it is earning its keep.

Even at the discounted rate of $1800.00, you could rent an EVO 2 Pro 32 times before it would equal just the purchase price. Years ago, I read a story about how Hollywood producers and studios don't really buy any camera gear. Even the biggest budget films simply rent entire trailers of equipment then turn it all in when they are done. Way cheaper in the long run than buying and being stuck with the equipment. I have been renting ever since.
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If you already have an EVO II Pro in use, why not choose the EVO II Daul with infrared camera function, you will have a different experience. And their batteries are also universal, you will have more powerful power^_^...
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If you already have an EVO II Pro in use, why not choose the EVO II Daul with infrared camera function, you will have a different experience. And their batteries are also universal, you will have more powerful power^_^...
I didn’t know if the additional features of the Dual would be of any value to me at this time.
I don’t think you are crazy if you want to buy another one, if you want buy, buy it ! I’m possible going to do the same lol but I’m thinking in selling my Autel Enterprise to get an Autel Evo 2 v3. I like my enterprise but I have never used the accessories that come with it, but the enterprise I guess it is more powerful than the regular Evo 2 because it has bigger motors, large arms, and it comes with the SC. But I’m still thinking should I sell or should keep it 🤔..
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