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Greetings from West Virginia!


New Member
Jun 26, 2017
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Glad to find this forum! I was searching for more information on things like DroneBase and Up Sonder, and stumbled on this. Started out about 3 years ago flying small drones like Hubsans, and earlier this spring I got serious about flying and upgraded to my first "pro" model, the XSP. I am nearing retirement age in my regular job, and hoping to start up a sideline business doing aerial imagery and forestry consulting, plus whatever else comes along that's legal.

As most are, I am anxious to get the Autel firmware update, but I really haven't had any serious problems with my bird yet. I would just like to see things get to the point where an SDK is released and developers take notice of Autel, making it easier for us to compete with DJI. While I'm waiting, I'll practice my flying and camera work!
It is a pleasure to welcome you to the AutelXPilots forum.
I hope that you will be able to use the forum to further your safety knowledge and for the exchange of innovative ideas and as a resource for current developments in Autel quadcopter’s.
Glad to find this forum! I was searching for more information on things like DroneBase and Up Sonder, and stumbled on this. Started out about 3 years ago flying small drones like Hubsans, and earlier this spring I got serious about flying and upgraded to my first "pro" model, the XSP. I am nearing retirement age in my regular job, and hoping to start up a sideline business doing aerial imagery and forestry consulting, plus whatever else comes along that's legal.

As most are, I am anxious to get the Autel firmware update, but I really haven't had any serious problems with my bird yet. I would just like to see things get to the point where an SDK is released and developers take notice of Autel, making it easier for us to compete with DJI. While I'm waiting, I'll practice my flying and camera work!
love your state me and my wife go to Elkins WV about every year love it taking drone this trip watch out mountains pumpkin time

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