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availability in Australia

In response to your allegations from Spikemixtures predicament, this is a logistical issue between the AliExpress vendor and Spike.
Spike acted upon the instructions of the vendor, not Autel.
The package has obviously gone missing in the freight forwarding at Hong Kong.
Whilst I do feel for Spikes terrible situation, for you to point the blame directly on Autel is incorrect.
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In response to your allegations from Spikemixtures predicament, this is a logistical issue between the AliExpress vendor and Spike.
Spike acted upon the instructions of the vendor, not Autel.
The package has obviously gone missing in the freight forwarding at Hong Kong.
Whilst I do feel for Spikes terrible situation, for you to point the blame directly on Autel is a fantasy & is incorrect.
I got a response from Autel Rosco.

They will not even send me parts, they will not send parts to any drone business in Australia, they suggested that I "search the internet for parts".

So you keep defending them as hard you like and whatever your role is with the company, their actions speak louder than words. You seem to be completely in support of them disregarding their previous customers.

My understanding is Rising Above is an authorized dealer for Autel Robotics USA, and Camzilla & Drone Shop Perth are authorised dealers for Autel China.
Maybe Rising Above has changed to an authorized dealer of Autel China now.
All of these company's websites show they are selling the Evo 2.
You have a response from Autel Robotics USA stating there's no authorized dealers, but they are referring to Autel Robotics USA only, not to Autel China, so who knows.
Not sure where you are greeting your info from.

Yesterdays email that I received directly from Autel Robotics USA, and I quote,, "At this time we do not have an authorized dealer or repair facility in Australia."

Lets not get caught
up in semantics of Autel China, Autel US.?? The short and sweet of it all is that Autel Whoever?, offer ZERO support for any models, they have no official capacity to repair or service here in Australia for even their CURRENT MODELS like the EVO 2.

So why do they still market, advertise and sell them too unsuspecting customers here in Australia? As you've stated above, the business's do indeed still sell Autel products on their websites.

You are defending the un-defendable Rosco and to be honest, it screams that you have some involvement with the company. If you do, pass on this message- its simply not good enough mate. One day your Evo 2 will be an Evo 1 and you'll be in the same boat as will every other EVO1 and 2 owner.

Every Autel owner should be screaming at the company and demand that they honour their products beyond a paltry 2 years. Autel needs to make a statement about their intention to honour their products so past present and future owners can rest assured that their expensive drones will have a serviceable life span longer than a couple of years.

As ive stated before, we aint buying toasters and kettles for $10, these are not a throw away item and certainly not priced as such.

I'd hope that by me making some noise here and through other channels, that Autel at the very least should step up and make a statement that they will honour their products and show some respect and regard towards their customers because at this point in time, they are on a steep downhill trajectory and ill be here, there and everywhere doing what I can to spread the word to protect consumers from being duped.

Perhaps a class action is on order as im getting a lot of messages from other unhappy autel owners.!!
First of all, all X Star Premium & Evo 1 aircraft owned in Australia were either bought from overseas or from unauthorized sellers in Australia.
Its the owners decision to buy a model that is not authorized for sale in Australia, and with that, comes the "cons" from the manufacturer.
So it shouldn't be a surprise to find out these models are not supported by Autel in Australia.
This being the case you have bear some of the responsibility & ownership for Autel responding back stating your Evo 1 will not be supported here in Australia.

If sales of previous models XStar & Evo 1 were authorized for sale in Australia, I very much doubt Autel's response would-be the same as you have just received.

I refer to your copy of Autel's statement, the part I am referring to is - "OR AT THE VERY LEAST SEND PARTS FOR PREVIOUS MODELS"
Previous models are the X Star Premium & Evo 1,
NOT the Evo 2 which is a current model.
So your statement that Autel will not support the Evo 2 at all in Australia doesn't stack up.
My understanding is Autel are currently sending warranty & repair work for the Evo 2 from Australia to New Zealand.

No offence, but your responses are coming across as being highly selective, in order to support your own personal grievance with Autel regarding your Evo 1.
I'd suggest if you're going to voice your dissatisfaction, you should ensure what you are writing is correct first.

And in response to your accusation that I may have some business involvement with Autel, your statement is unfounded, unsubstantiated and incorrect.
You may wish to withdraw that statement.
Let me clarify it for you, I don't !!!
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First of all, all X Star Premium & Evo 1 aircraft owned in Australia were either bought from overseas or from unauthorized sellers in Australia.
Its the owners decision to buy a model that is not authorized for sale in Australia, and with that, comes the "cons" from the manufacturer.
So it shouldn't be a surprise to find out these models are not supported by Autel in Australia.
This being the case you have bear some of the responsibility & ownership for Autel responding back stating your Evo 1 will not be supported here in Australia.

If sales of previous models XStar & Evo 1 were authorized for sale in Australia, I very much doubt Autel's response would-be the same as you have just received.

I refer to your copy of Autel's statement, the part I am referring to is - "OR AT THE VERY LEAST SEND PARTS FOR PREVIOUS MODELS"
Previous models are the X Star Premium & Evo 1,
NOT the Evo 2 which is a current model.
So your statement that Autel will not support the Evo 2 at all in Australia doesn't stack up.
My understanding is Autel are currently sending warranty & repair work for the Evo 2 from Australia to New Zealand.

No offence, but your responses are coming across as being highly selective, in order to support your own personal grievance with Autel regarding your Evo 1.
I'd suggest if you're going to voice your dissatisfaction, you should ensure what you are writing is correct first.

And in response to your accusation that I may have some business involvement with Autel, your statement is unfounded, unsubstantiated and incorrect.
You may wish to withdraw that statement.
Let me clarify it for you, I don't !!!
I purchased the drone directly from Autel Australia, though their website which is still online advertising the sale of EVO 2's. I engaged with them at the time via phone and email, they present themselves as Autel Robotics and the paperwork was as such. Are they an Authorised dealer? I do not know but at the time it was the most direct way to purchase an EVO1 here in Australia. See for yourself Camera Drones & Quadcopters | Aerial Photography & Filming

Regardless of where I purchased the drone at the time, Authorised or otherwise, you are attempting to discredit me by diverting the discussion away from the point I am making and that is that Autel do not support their older models here in Australia. Nor do they, by way of their own words have Authorised dealers or repair facilities in Australia that support their current products, including your EVO2.!! Maybe they never have, maybe the word "authorised" is up for debate? I do not know, i'm just going by what they told me, in their own words direct from the horses mouth.

AUTEL STATED TO ME YESTERDAY VIA EMAIL, and to note is there had been ZERO mention of any a particular product up to this point in my communication with them. I had not even mentioned my drone or any issues with it. I simply asked the following, "Hi, Do you guys exist in Australia anymore? Any contact details please?"

Their complete response was, and again to note there had been ZERO mention of any particular products up to this point in any communication between me and them.

"Thank you for contacting Autel Customer support.
At this time we do not have an authorized dealer or repair facility in Australia. May I ask what you are looking to do? Make a purchase, send a drone in for repair, etc?"

Rosco, you said, "No offence, but your responses are coming across as being highly selective, in order to support your own personal grievance with Autel regarding your Evo 1. I'd suggest if you're going to voice your dissatisfaction, you should ensure what you are writing is correct first."
How is that being highly selective mate? I'm parroting exactly what they said, verbatim.!!

You are the one who is mincing words to suit your own agenda and let me give you 1 example.
I said to you, based on your staunch defence that, ".... it screams that you have some involvement with the company." I never used the word "business". You have introduced that word so please do not put words in my mouth. I never said "business involvement". I used the words "some" and in another reply, "role" with the company, I never said "business."

To go one step further if you wish to continue down this line of attacking the man, which requires defending:) I'll ask you this rhetorical question; Do you engage in anyway online with Autel via social media or forums or do they engage with you in the view of the public? A little bit of friendly back slapping here and there perhaps? A few "likes" and shares between ya'll? ;)

Anyway, let's get back to the facts and topic shall we? I will use words directly from Autel so there is no suggestion by you or others that i'm being highly selective to 'suit my own grievances', as you suggest.

In further discussions with Autel, I asked if they could supply me required parts or to a drone repair business for my EVO1. Their TOTAL response apart from hello and goodbye was;
"Im sorry but we can not sell individual parts to a repair facility even if the drone is out of warranty. My suggestion is to search the internet for the parts as third party companies source the parts and sell them individually." Note the word "EVEN" because that relates to in warranty products, the current models, the EVO2.

Autel US have also clearly stated to me that, "At this time we do not have an authorized dealer or repair facility in Australia."

By your own admission above Rosco, and also by my own investigations, New Zealand is where Authorised Australian Autel repairs are conducted so you even know that there is zero support here in Australia. You know that so why are you being the self appointed defender of Autel?

I have a right to be curious about your involvement with them, even if its just via social media channels, its still involvement and if you are going to call my credibility into question, you should be open about your own. No-one can argue the power of social media "influence" now could they? Its a multi-billion dollar a year business and we all know it happens.

I've been open about my dissatisfaction with Autel and correct me if I am wrong, is that not what a forum is for, open discussion and expression? I've also done free marketing for Autel by way of my own video productions in the past and given them credit where credit is due and yes, I have been a happy Evo 1 flyer for a couple of years so my current view is coming from a balanced and I believe fair perspective. I believe my grievances are fair and reasonable as a consumer.

Again I will state for your benefit, every other Autel owner out there and of course my own, that Autel need to make a statement about their intentions to support and honour their products beyond a paltry 2 years or beyond the next new model. We are all buying with our hard earned money, expensive flying equipment that will at some point require repairs and those parts and repairs should be supported by the company for many years to follow. I'm happy to pay for Out of Warranty parts and labour, i've never asked for anything free from them. I only want parts for a 2 year old drone and they will not supply them.

We aint buying toasters or kettles.!!
I purchased the drone directly from Autel Australia, though their website which is still online advertising the sale of EVO 2's. I engaged with them at the time via phone and email, they present themselves as Autel Robotics and the paperwork was as such. Are they an Authorised dealer? I do not know but at the time it was the most direct way to purchase an EVO1 here in Australia. See for yourself Camera Drones & Quadcopters | Aerial Photography & Filming

Regardless of where I purchased the drone at the time, Authorised or otherwise, you are attempting to discredit me by diverting the discussion away from the point I am making and that is that Autel do not support their older models here in Australia. Nor do they, by way of their own words have Authorised dealers or repair facilities in Australia that support their current products, including your EVO2.!! Maybe they never have, maybe the word "authorised" is up for debate? I do not know, i'm just going by what they told me, in their own words direct from the horses mouth.

AUTEL STATED TO ME YESTERDAY VIA EMAIL, and to note is there had been ZERO mention of any a particular product up to this point in my communication with them. I had not even mentioned my drone or any issues with it. I simply asked the following, "Hi, Do you guys exist in Australia anymore? Any contact details please?"

Their complete response was, and again to note there had been ZERO mention of any particular products up to this point in any communication between me and them.

"Thank you for contacting Autel Customer support.
At this time we do not have an authorized dealer or repair facility in Australia. May I ask what you are looking to do? Make a purchase, send a drone in for repair, etc?"

Rosco, you said, "No offence, but your responses are coming across as being highly selective, in order to support your own personal grievance with Autel regarding your Evo 1. I'd suggest if you're going to voice your dissatisfaction, you should ensure what you are writing is correct first."
How is that being highly selective mate? I'm parroting exactly what they said, verbatim.!!

You are the one who is mincing words to suit your own agenda and let me give you 1 example.
I said to you, based on your staunch defence that, ".... it screams that you have some involvement with the company." I never used the word "business". You have introduced that word so please do not put words in my mouth. I never said "business involvement". I used the words "some" and in another reply, "role" with the company, I never said "business."

To go one step further if you wish to continue down this line of attacking the man, which requires defending:) I'll ask you this rhetorical question; Do you engage in anyway online with Autel via social media or forums or do they engage with you in the view of the public? A little bit of friendly back slapping here and there perhaps? A few "likes" and shares between ya'll? ;)

Anyway, let's get back to the facts and topic shall we? I will use words directly from Autel so there is no suggestion by you or others that i'm being highly selective to 'suit my own grievances', as you suggest.

In further discussions with Autel, I asked if they could supply me required parts or to a drone repair business for my EVO1. Their TOTAL response apart from hello and goodbye was;
"Im sorry but we can not sell individual parts to a repair facility even if the drone is out of warranty. My suggestion is to search the internet for the parts as third party companies source the parts and sell them individually." Note the word "EVEN" because that relates to in warranty products, the current models, the EVO2.

Autel US have also clearly stated to me that, "At this time we do not have an authorized dealer or repair facility in Australia."

By your own admission above Rosco, and also by my own investigations, New Zealand is where Authorised Australian Autel repairs are conducted so you even know that there is zero support here in Australia. You know that so why are you being the self appointed defender of Autel?

I have a right to be curious about your involvement with them, even if its just via social media channels, its still involvement and if you are going to call my credibility into question, you should be open about your own. No-one can argue the power of social media "influence" now could they? Its a multi-billion dollar a year business and we all know it happens.

I've been open about my dissatisfaction with Autel and correct me if I am wrong, is that not what a forum is for, open discussion and expression? I've also done free marketing for Autel by way of my own video productions in the past and given them credit where credit is due and yes, I have been a happy Evo 1 flyer for a couple of years so my current view is coming from a balanced and I believe fair perspective. I believe my grievances are fair and reasonable as a consumer.

Again I will state for your benefit, every other Autel owner out there and of course my own, that Autel need to make a statement about their intentions to support and honour their products beyond a paltry 2 years or beyond the next new model. We are all buying with our hard earned money, expensive flying equipment that will at some point require repairs and those parts and repairs should be supported by the company for many years to follow. I'm happy to pay for Out of Warranty parts and labour, i've never asked for anything free from them. I only want parts for a 2 year old drone and they will not supply them.

We aint buying toasters or kettles.!!
Mate, you need to give it a rest.
It's you that's taking this all too personally by suggesting that I am discrediting you. No I am simply putting up an alternative to your rhetoric for your consideration.
But that doesn't suit your agenda.

Australian warranty repairs for the Evo 2 are currently being done out of New Zealand, and whilst I agree this is far from a perfect resolve, its better than having to send it to the USA or China.

For the record I have ZERO liaison with Autel Robotics USA whatsoever, so do you want me to tell you what you can do with that accusation !!!
And if I liase with other Autel owners or anyone else on group pages, that's my perogative, not yours !
And you accuse me of being a self appointed defender of Autel.
No, I am trying to bring some objectivity to your post.
And who's getting personal ?
I can hear hypocrisy ringing.

Autel Australia never was an authorized dealer of Autel Robotics USA. There was never any authorized dealer in Australia to sell the Evo 1.
So you bought the Evo 1 from an unauthorized dealer - Autel Australia.
Had you asked Autel Robotics back then they would have told you so they are not an authorized dealer.
Seems like you're currently on the front foot contacting Autel, it's a shame you didn't do similar due diligence back then with Autel when you bought your Evo 1.

Furthermore most manufacturers will commit to very conservative service life, usually 2 to 5 years for most commercial and consumer products (for example computer peripherals and components).
The Evo 1 is 30 months old since it's release.
So have a guess what, that falls into the service life parameters as shown above.

Are you getting the message yet & onnecting the dots?

Evo 1 is at the end of service life.

Evo 1 was never sold by Autel authorized dealers in Australia.

This end of service life issue is common with almost all other manufacturers of commercial & consumer products.

I've simply tried to be objective in my responses to you, however I can't say the same for the way you've been responding.
If you don't like the way I have responded back to you, that's your problem, not mine.
I've had enough of your failure to recognise some facts.
I will not respond any further to you, so don't waste your time.
Good luck with your campaign to discredit Autel Robotics !
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In response to your allegations from Spikemixtures predicament, this is a logistical issue between the AliExpress vendor and Spike.
Spike acted upon the instructions of the vendor, not Autel.
The package has obviously gone missing in the freight forwarding at Hong Kong.
Whilst I do feel for Spikes terrible situation, for you to point the blame directly on Autel is incorrect.
My situation most certainly has to do with Autel,
Briefly before my drone was lost or stolen in HK I was emailing Autel US.
Brady Reisch told me he has sent my information to "International" office 3 times and they were to contact me.

"International" wherever they are did not reply and after asking US office multiple times what now? They also do not answer.
If this mystery office had replied my drone might not be MIA.
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My situation most certainly has to do with Autel,
Briefly before my drone was lost or stolen in HK I was emailing Autel US.
Brady Reisch told me he has sent my information to "International" office 3 times and they were to contact me.

"International" wherever they are did not reply and after asking US office multiple times what now? They also do not answer.
If this mystery office had replied my drone might not be MIA.
Thankyou, so my point still stands that Autel is not "directly" to blame for the logistics loss of your package.
The vendor arranged the logistics, not Autel.
The issue of no communication from Autel is a separate one and is not acceptable.
Would it have been a different outcome had Autel responded back to you earlier, we will never know.
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Thankyou, so my point still stands that Autel is not "directly" to blame for the logistics loss of your package.
The vendor arranged the logistics, not Autel.
The issue of no communication from Autel is a separate one.
As far as I am concerned Autel is the reason I flew my EVO2 once in 6 months.
If their "support" did their job just maybe I would be past the one flight I had before it broke.


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Mate, you need to give it a rest.
It's you that's taking this all too personally by suggesting that I am discrediting you. No I am simply putting up an alternative to your rhetoric for your consideration.
But that doesn't suit your agenda.

For the record I have ZERO liaison with Autel Robotics USA whatsoever, so do you want me to tell you what you can do with that accusation !!!
And if I liase with other Autel owners or anyone else on group pages, that's my perogative, not yours !
And you accuse me of being a self appointed defender of Autel.
No, I am trying to bring some objectivity to your post.
And who's getting personal ?
I can hear hypocrisy ringing.

Autel Australia never was an authorized dealer of Autel Robotics USA. There was never an authorized dealer in Australia for the Evo 1.
So you bought the Evo 1 from an unauthorized dealer - Autel Australia.
Had you asked Autel Robotics back then they would have told you so.
Seems like you're currently on the front foot contacting Autel, it's a shame you didn't do similar due diligence back then.

Furthermore most manufacturers will commit to very conservative service life, usually 2 to 5 years for most commercial and consumer products (for example computer peripherals and components).
The Evo 1 is 30 months old since it's release.
So have a guess what, that falls into the service life parameters as shown above.
Are you getting the message yet ?????? Connect the dots.

I've simply tried to be objective in my responses to you, however I can't say the same for the way you've been responding.
If you don't like the way I have responded back to you, that's your problem, not mine.
I've had enough of your failure to recognise some facts.
I will not respond any further to you, so don't waste your time.
Good luck with your campaign to discredit Autel Robotics !
Excellent, i'm glad you won't respond because you are not making any sense. I purchased the drone from AutelRobotics.com.au who you say are not an authorised dealer and that I should have done better research prior, then you go onto say there was never any authorised dealers in Australia for the EVO1.???? So what's the point you are attempting to make? You are attempting to derail the discussion and shine the light onto me, my "agenda" my "accusations" my "emotions", by introducing irrelevant topics. My drone is out of warranty, IT DOESNT MATTER where I purchased it from Rosco and if they were or were not an Authorised seller or if it was Autel Robotics USA or Autel China. None of that is relevant so please stop focusing on those disruptive semantics.

I'm saying AND Autel US are saying the exact same about right now at this very point in time. NO AUTHORISED DEALERS OR REPAIR CENTRES IN AUSTRALIA. So why do they still market and sell them here? This has been my point all along as well as their total disregard to assist in repairing a 2 year old drone which you simply believe I should just go and suck eggs about.

The best gauge of future performance is past performance so lets see how all the EVO2 users feel in a year or so when Autel run the same script. And thats another point to my screaming from the rooftops, is to perhaps get some future protection for all of the EVO2 users. Again I truly cannot see how you feel its ok for Autel to disregard their 2 year old customers. Your entire attitude towards my posts are biased and unfair IF you are only a consumer. What consumer wouldn't want more protection, more security in knowing that their expensive flying toys will be honoured for longer by the manufacturer? And if they didn't want that, for what reason/s would that be? You and other EVO2 owners should be getting alongside and asking the questions of Autel as there is absolutely nothing at all to lose from it and everything to gain.

I understand that the consumer market, especially here in Australia, Down Under is a long way from anywhere and we have a tiny population, its expensive for a company to maintain consumer products. Autel no doubt are heading into military and more commercial-industrial areas where the profit margins are more and the money flows freely. Thats all good and well but WHY DO THEY STILL MARKET AND SELL DRONES HERE if there will be, based on past and current performance, NO SUPPORT?
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