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Upgraded last night to latest software, now all 3 accessories have issues..


Active Member
Apr 24, 2024
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anyone have any problems with the enterprise accessories after updating?

i upgraded firmware yesterday and was going thru it for functions check and i have some problems..

1) its not recognizing the spotlight at all.. ZERO!!
2) it recognizes the speaker, but you cant hear it below 30% volume, like its whispering, and its EXTREMELY distorted above 40% volume, unrecognizable speech
3) recognizes strobe, but not strobing correctly, its turning on and off, NOT blipping as it should

last time these were all tested was after their previous update, and they all worked flawlessly, now?? the update has affected all 3 accessories

any opinions on me re-installing the aircraft update using an SD card??

cant do OTA cause its already on the current version
i did a manual re-install of the firmware using an SD card...

strobe corrected and blips as it should..
speaker corrected and ironically, seems louder, but thats probably me..
Spotlight is dead, not being recognized..
What does the fabulous Autel support have to say re: this?
i have to replace the spotlight.. apparently i did something that blew it out and it doesnt work now

i must have f@rted too loud or something!!
Updated my system two days ago.
- Spotlight works as expected with three brightness settings
- Speaker works. Pretty quiet up to 50%, but beyond that it gets pretty loud. Make sure to not sit next to the drone when you test the speaker to avoid ugly feedback loop
- Strobe: hadn't tested it before so I don't have a baseline. Behavior I observe is light on for a second, then four seconds off, then on again for a second. It doesn't flash the way a strobe should flash.
Updated my system two days ago.
- Spotlight works as expected with three brightness settings
- Speaker works. Pretty quiet up to 50%, but beyond that it gets pretty loud. Make sure to not sit next to the drone when you test the speaker to avoid ugly feedback loop
- Strobe: hadn't tested it before so I don't have a baseline. Behavior I observe is light on for a second, then four seconds off, then on again for a second. It doesn't flash the way a strobe should flash.
same thing happened to my speaker, very low below 30%, normal between 40% - 50%, then terrible distortion above 50%.. as if the speaker was being overpowered by the amp.. but that corrected after re-install, but my strobe flashes, as well as most ive seen on youtube flash for 1 second, then off for 2 , then repeat..

4 seconds off is too long i think..

when you disconnect each accessory does the controller update also removing it from the screen? cause mine sticks showing the accessory until i plug in another one and finally until i shut everything down..
Updated my system two days ago.
- Spotlight works as expected with three brightness settings
- Speaker works. Pretty quiet up to 50%, but beyond that it gets pretty loud. Make sure to not sit next to the drone when you test the speaker to avoid ugly feedback loop
- Strobe: hadn't tested it before so I don't have a baseline. Behavior I observe is light on for a second, then four seconds off, then on again for a second. It doesn't flash the way a strobe should flash.
Received a noreply@ response to my post by e-mail, but I'm not seeing it here - so I'm going to respond to my own post instead. I always turn off my drone before swapping attachments so as to make sure the controller picks up the latest. I believe with some of them a hot swap is possible but I find it easier to simply invest a total of ten extra seconds and get more predictable results.
i hear ya.. and tried that as well.. accessories not connected during update ofcoarse, and when i plug them in, the spotlight doenst show..

but some more things have popped up in the past few days, that im sure happened during the update but i am just now seeing them

in custom button controls, i now have a smaller wide screen controller and only 1 C button control, not 2 like before, and my controller isnt logging into my account at start up showing FAILED TO CONNECT CHECK CONNECTION error.. and yes, its connected and confirmed before and after clicking to see my devices

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