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Nov 24, 2016
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Just got my X star premium. Haven't flown it yet, still reading the manual! Passed the test to get the FAA drone license last week though. I'm not planning on doing any commercial work but figured it would be good to have the license. I plan on using the drone for amateur photography and to check some bird nests in our area. We are trying to count the population of a few species in our area. Some of the nests are high up on cliffs.

I have a couple questions about the battery. The manual says if the battery is above 80 percent charged make sure you turn the battery on before charging. So if I'm charging a nearly discharged battery, do I have to turn it on when it reaches 80 percent? Also, how long do you let the battery cool after use before you can charge it. And finally, it says to make sure you turn off the charger when the battery or controller are fully charged to prevent damage. Doesn't the smart battery technology stop accepting a charge when it's full??
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Hello Busboy,
It is a pleasure to welcome you to the Autel X Pilots forum.
I hope that you will be able to use the forum for the exchange of innovative ideas and as a resource for current developments in Autel aircraft.
Just got my X star premium. Haven't flown it yet, still reading the manual! Passed the test to get the FAA drone license last week though. I'm not planning on doing any commercial work but figured it would be good to have the license. I plan on using the drone for amateur photography and to check some bird nests in our area. We are trying to count the population of a few species in our area. Some of the nests are high up on cliffs.

I have a couple questions about the battery. The manual says if the battery is above 80 percent charged make sure you turn the battery on before charging. So if I'm charging a nearly discharged battery, do I have to turn it on when it reaches 80 percent? Also, how long do you let the battery cool after use before you can charge it. And finally, it says to make sure you turn off the charger when the battery or controller are fully charged to prevent damage. Doesn't the smart battery technology stop accepting a charge when it's full??

Busboy, I'm a newbie too! However, my understanding, and from experience, is that if it is fully discharged (or below 80%), just charge the thing with it turned off. When it is done, it will eventually go all green and then the indicators will turn off. The manual says you should disconnect it after charging. I don't think you have to disconnect it precisely when it is done, but shouldn't leave it connected for hours/days. Disconnecting within a few minutes should be fine since it does turn off by itself when done. You should also check the storage requirements. I read somewhere that you should check/charge it at least every three months if not in use, and if you are not going to be using it for awhile charge it up to 50% before storage and remember to remove battery from drone prior to storage. I always remove the battery when done flying ... and put in the gimble lock! Regards
Busboy, I'm a newbie too! However, my understanding, and from experience, is that if it is fully discharged (or below 80%), just charge the thing with it turned off. When it is done, it will eventually go all green and then the indicators will turn off. The manual says you should disconnect it after charging. I don't think you have to disconnect it precisely when it is done, but shouldn't leave it connected for hours/days. Disconnecting within a few minutes should be fine since it does turn off by itself when done. You should also check the storage requirements. I read somewhere that you should check/charge it at least every three months if not in use, and if you are not going to be using it for awhile charge it up to 50% before storage and remember to remove battery from drone prior to storage. I always remove the battery when done flying ... and put in the gimble lock! Regards

Thanks for the reply, that makes sense, so when all the indicators turn off I will just disconnect it. Reading the manual, it leads one to believe that the moment it reaches full you must disconnect it or risk nuclear detonation.

I had to leave town for a week just after getting it, so I can't fly it till next week! It's killing me.

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