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Gimbal pins: Use 2, or 4?


Jan 26, 2017
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Searched "gimbal pins", nothing turned up. Hope this isn't a beaten to death topic already.

Watching a couple videos I noticed there were gimbal pins on all 4 corners. Mine came with 2 installed on opposite corners, and 2 spares. Am I ok flying it with just the 2 pins installed?

(Maybe I should have posted this under "Help")
I asked Autel about that, they said the other 2 were "extras"...so I'm guessing just the 2 that were installed from the factory. Has anyone else heard different?
I asked Autel about that, they said the other 2 were "extras"...so I'm guessing just the 2 that were installed from the factory. Has anyone else heard different?
No different but mine came with 2 installed and 2 extras. My son has a P3S and it has only 2 installed.
My main concern would be camera being tilted slightly or something by using just 2 pins. I guess I'll find out...
You can adjust the gimbal tilt in the Starlink settings screen. I calibrated mine by sitting the drone on a square table (aligned properly of course), and using the edge of the table as a reference. This is easier if you turn the grid lines on in the display.
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Do yourself a favor and get some thin electrical ties. And run 2 of them through th 2 holes that are not being used. Those gimbal pins don't do poop in crash. Last thing you want is the wires to get ripped out between the 2 floating halfs of the gimbal. I'm talking from experience. Just tighten them enough so the vibration balls still do what they are suppose to do.

I also use zip ties but not nearly as tight as the photo above. You need to leave some sick so it doesn't interfere with the gimbal action. The rubber vibration mounts stretch a small amount, if they are to tight it will affect that.
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So far mine has no ill effect on video being where they are tightened to. Lots of play in them for the vibration balls to do there thing :)
With the help of that photo:
  • Zip Ties: Check.
  • Figure out how to reinstall that crazy gimbal holder: Check
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Mine came with 2 installed but I didn't realize it until about my 2nd or 3rd flight. I went ahead and put the other 2 in and I can't tell the difference between 2 or 4.
Do yourself a favor and get some thin electrical ties. And run 2 of them through th 2 holes that are not being used. Those gimbal pins don't do poop in crash. Last thing you want is the wires to get ripped out between the 2 floating halfs of the gimbal. I'm talking from experience. Just tighten them enough so the vibration balls still do what they are suppose to do.

View attachment 237
Clever Idea!
Clever Idea!

Wish I could take credit to this idea but its been around for ever at least 3 years that I know of.
It saved my Yuneec CGO3 camera twice. Broken gimbal mount but that was a cheap price to pay compared to ripped out wires and sending the camera back for repair. :)
Hi All. I don't care what the manufacturers say I always install 4 pins on Yuneec, Phantom, X star all of them, with experience it's the best way.
It has Nil effect on camera movement except when you hit something it saves the camera 2 is not enough.
I thought this was a mistake and were missing from the factory. Even sent an email to autel CS to inquire but have not heard back. Used the two spares from the repair kit. All my video has been excellent to date. Might be able to get away with using just 2 gimbal pins but am happy with my current set-up.

Sent from my SHIELD Tablet K1 using Tapatalk
I too questioned the 2 pins, I contacted Autel, got them on the phone quickly. They said only 2 are needed.
I can only tell you what I have seen and experienced over the last 3 years. You get a hard enough bounce or even a light crash those two pins will not hold the 2 halfs together. I have seen many separated gimbal pictures from different cameras. The Yuneec typhoon H is one good example. It being a 360 degree gimbal and those wires get pulled out is a very costly fix. Wires are one thing, now the little plastic connectors soldered onto the boards the the wires plug into get ripped off you might as well buy a new camera unless your good at micro soldering. Not many people in the world can do it but if you ever need someone this lady has fixed one of my camera boards. Cost me 120 US bucks but saved me 400 US bucks in the end.

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Thx for the info I had not heard back from them on this question. I do have to scratch my head 4 holes...2pins...hmmmmm.
I can only tell you what I have seen and experienced over the last 3 years. You get a hard enough bounce or even a light crash those two pins will not hold the 2 halfs together. I have seen many separated gimbal pictures from different cameras. The Yuneec typhoon H is one good example. It being a 360 degree gimbal and those wires get pulled out is a very costly fix. Wires are one thing, now the little plastic connectors soldered onto the boards the the wires plug into get ripped off you might as well buy a new camera unless your good at micro soldering. Not many people in the world can do it but if you ever need someone this lady has fixed one of my camera boards. Cost me 120 US bucks but saved me 400 US bucks in the end.

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FWIW, I see that Autel does provide a new connector in their repair kit. From what I have read this is one of the very few repair parts you can get from them.

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