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Combining multiple videos into one

Will Howle

Jan 4, 2025
Reaction score
I fly 3 miles of fence line and have about 20 waypoints set. Challenge is I end up with 20 different videos. How can I get one video ? Thank you
I fly 3 miles of fence line and have about 20 waypoints set. Challenge is I end up with 20 different videos. How can I get one video ? Thank you
You will have to import all the clips into your video editing software and then put them on the timeline one at a time. and then you can export it as a single video
I fly 3 miles of fence line and have about 20 waypoints set. Challenge is I end up with 20 different videos. How can I get one video ? Thank you
No way there should be 20 video files! Can you not set each waypoint action to “none” except for #1 which is “start recording”. I found the need for one manual restart in the V1 with about 5 waypoints. Definitely a flaw that Autel has never fixed nor offered any explanation to resolve.
This issue with video stopping and starting at each waypoint is completely stupid and no doubt easily fixed by a couple of lines of code. The other silly thing is that the airecraft should be able to fly a waypoint mission with the operator haveing control of the camera pitch, aircraft yaw and speed. So in that scenario one would map out a flight path with waypoints and altitude , start the mission and be able to fly the waypoints ( aircraft is hitting the waypoints) operator is controlling where the camera is point both azimuth and pitch) while the aircraft flies a predetermined path. The ability I outlined represents a huge leap in efficiency in terms of designing a shot and executing it repeatably with some variations. The result is you get a lot more productive time out of each battery by offloading basic flight path tasks to the aircraft freeing the operator to concentrate on optimizing the shot. I used to do that with Litchi and ,y Mavic 2 pro and it was amazing what could be done with a battery’s worth of flight time.

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