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Autoland... like a brick


Active Member
Mar 25, 2017
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so new firmware update...

- auto land is alarming. Wow it just drops..seems to hit the ground pretty hard.

- this thing is much more responsive letting off the stick from forward motion puts on the " brakes" but it seems like the reverse thrust is way too much.

these are new issues that ive noticed...

Take a look at "My Auto landing video" posted on here and tell me if that's the way yours is landing. I've posted the same videos on the Official Autel FB page and am being told by those in the know, that is the way most drones auto land. Is yours landing harder than that?
so new firmware update...

- auto land is alarming. Wow it just drops..seems to hit the ground pretty hard.

- this thing is much more responsive letting off the stick from forward motion puts on the " brakes" but it seems like the reverse thrust is way too much.

these are new issues that ive noticed...

Ditto that...... the strength of the airframe material needs to be upgraded also. At the point of these cracks out by the motors..... I wonder if some kinda brushed on material to give some added toughness.
Just thinking out loud:)
i guess the landing sequence is closer now to how id land it manually. Only to prevent tip over in grass or whatever. I just expected it to to be more gentle.

What about the "air braking" ? You you guys see the forward motion correction going a bit to far?
i guess the landing sequence is closer now to how id land it manually. Only to prevent tip over in grass or whatever. I just expected it to to be more gentle.

What about the "air braking" ? You you guys see the forward motion correction going a bit to far?
Agree....... maybe the fix could be a variable adjustment slider added to the software. Hard....................Soft
Let the pilot choose
Agree that the "reverse thrust" is a bit unnerving especially in gusting winds. Wonder how it is going to behave if it gets hit by a gust of wind heading when it is braking...

I had a scary event today that never happened under 1.3.0. I was landing in a tight LZ, was 28ft from home point with 24% battery, and the drone went into Go Home. With trees all around and a 200 foot go home altitude, the sudden pop up was a bit spooky to say the least.

I think I am going to roll back to 1.3.0.
I will say. It is like a new bird this thing is stable as stable now... The auto take off bobbing issue is solved that issue has been driving me bananas.

I'd really like to see some aftermarket accessories carbon fiber shell or frame. let's start modding autel
Can't roll back till they release a patch.
That go home problem has been brought up to Autel but you should also send them a email detailing the problem. They need our input or nothing will get fixed.
Take a look at "My Auto landing video" posted on here and tell me if that's the way yours is landing. I've posted the same videos on the Official Autel FB page and am being told by those in the know, that is the way most drones auto land. Is yours landing harder than that?
I didn't know telling everyone about that autoland crash was going to spread like this. Other sites have lots of people talking about it to. Some it works great others it's a little too hard on landing. And a few like me are packaging their quads up for fedx. At least the ones that haven't tried it yet will have advanced knowledge of what to expect. The couple that have crashed they want fairly quick to get it resolved.they waisted no time messaging me on face book like whithin minutes. Wanting me to upload the log files from the quad. Better yet send the whole thing.
I didn't know telling everyone about that autoland crash was going to spread like this. Other sites have lots of people talking about it to. Some it works great others it's a little too hard on landing. And a few like me are packaging their quads up for fedx. At least the ones that haven't tried it yet will have advanced knowledge of what to expect. The couple that have crashed they want fairly quick to get it resolved.they waisted no time messaging me on face book like whithin minutes. Wanting me to upload the log files from the quad. Better yet send the whole thing.
Ya mine actually speed up right before it hit. It didn't tip over it actually flipped over
Ditto that...... the strength of the airframe material needs to be upgraded also. At the point of these cracks out by the motors..... I wonder if some kinda brushed on material to give some added toughness.
Just thinking out loud:)
It's called JB Weld
When I first got my X-Star it was Jan. of 2017. Very cold this time of the year where I live. minus 20-minus 30 is normal. I wanted to fly my new quad and on the very first flight in very cold weather I let it auto land.Because it came down harder in auto land I developed two cracks by the battery bay in the lower shell. This is common on hard landings even with DJI quads. I was pissed off I did such a dumb thing on my first flight but I have been flying quads now for over 4 years and know sh@t happens so I have a supply of Bondic. Welds plastic stronger than the any other product. I recommend it 100% and more. Well worth the money.
Amazon.com: Customer reviews: Bondic,Repair Anything! Better Than Glue! Waterproof, Heat Resistant, Made In USA! Up To 100 Fixes! The 1st Liquid Plastic Welder! Bond, Build, Fix & Fill Anything In Seconds! (Bondic Starter Kit)

These are the cracks that I got from the hard landing. Used bondic and still flying the same frame after many, many hours of flying.

20170129_102235.jpg 20170129_102320.jpg 20170129_102329.jpg
So far, I'm very happy with the update and have no desire to go back. I've not had a problem with the autoland, but to be on the safe side I'll be hand catching or manual landing.
When I first got my X-Star it was Jan. of 2017. Very cold this time of the year where I live. minus 20-minus 30 is normal. I wanted to fly my new quad and on the very first flight in very cold weather I let it auto land.Because it came down harder in auto land I developed two cracks by the battery bay in the lower shell. This is common on hard landings even with DJI quads. I was pissed off I did such a dumb thing on my first flight but I have been flying quads now for over 4 years and know sh@t happens so I have a supply of Bondic. Welds plastic stronger than the any other product. I recommend it 100% and more. Well worth the money.
Amazon.com: Customer reviews: Bondic,Repair Anything! Better Than Glue! Waterproof, Heat Resistant, Made In USA! Up To 100 Fixes! The 1st Liquid Plastic Welder! Bond, Build, Fix & Fill Anything In Seconds! (Bondic Starter Kit)

These are the cracks that I got from the hard landing. Used bondic and still flying the same frame after many, many hours of flying.

View attachment 809 View attachment 810 View attachment 811
That's where my original stress cracks were kinda weird they never got any bigger
When I first got my X-Star it was Jan. of 2017. Very cold this time of the year where I live. minus 20-minus 30 is normal. I wanted to fly my new quad and on the very first flight in very cold weather I let it auto land.Because it came down harder in auto land I developed two cracks by the battery bay in the lower shell. This is common on hard landings even with DJI quads. I was pissed off I did such a dumb thing on my first flight but I have been flying quads now for over 4 years and know sh@t happens so I have a supply of Bondic. Welds plastic stronger than the any other product. I recommend it 100% and more. Well worth the money.
Amazon.com: Customer reviews: Bondic,Repair Anything! Better Than Glue! Waterproof, Heat Resistant, Made In USA! Up To 100 Fixes! The 1st Liquid Plastic Welder! Bond, Build, Fix & Fill Anything In Seconds! (Bondic Starter Kit)

These are the cracks that I got from the hard landing. Used bondic and still flying the same frame after many, many hours of flying.

View attachment 809 View attachment 810 View attachment 811
Dear God...... FREEZERS in Florida don't even get that cold
Can't roll back till they release a patch.
That go home problem has been brought up to Autel but you should also send them a email detailing the problem. They need our input or nothing will get fixed.

My RTH issue was initiated twice when I attempted to lower the altitude. It headed back to a higher altitude and the RTH message popped up on the monitor.
I cancelled it and brought it back
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