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Lite + Returned


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2022
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So I literally owned the Lite + for 3 hours and then took it back. The drone and app does not look fully ready. The intelligent flights modes did not work at first try, had to land twice and try again before it actually worked, drone was picking up obstacles 6.7 meters in front at 50 meters high when none present with the sun at its back, no active track, no waypoints, fly's very slowly for a drone of its size (same size as my Mavic 3 give or take a few mm), When connected to the drone my iPhone 13 Pro Max screen dimmed to such an extent I could barely see what was on the screen, removed the cable from RC to phone and brightness shot back to full bright, The RTH took off from a 6 meter x 4 meter deck but on return drone tried to land on my roof. Battery lying loose, not in drone just removed from charge had 1 light flashing continuously and refused to turn off. Just could not take all these issues for a $2999NZD drone. Already have issues with my Mavic 3 so I decided not to keep another headache and took it back for a refund.


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If you took the time to read what it said on the website you would have read that just like the Mavic 3 they are rolling out the new features in stages with updates. Active track is now included after the new update as is LOG and HDR. The drone flys slowly out of the box as its set to beginner mode - Ludicrous mode gets you 65+ km/ph. As for your GPS issues, there are numerous settings you can tweak to get the drone to be accurate on landing. Mine comes right back to where I took off from with a deviation of a metre max. I have friends Melbourne who have had running issues with their Phantom Pros as well. Same thing - GPS return point would be 5 m away from where they took off. As far as the rest in concerned, I have to ask - Yes the dreaded question -- Did you read the manual ? In many cases the screen brightness issues are iOS related - Mine did the same, once I adjusted the preferred brightness level for the app and set it for Auto Connect everytime the controller is detected problem was solved. The mavic 3 is a pile of poo to be honest. I flew DJI since the Phantom 1 and its not event worth the effort. I have a Lite +, have flown more than 180km with my Lite - Best drone I ever owned. The new Firmware is due next month and even more features will be unlocked.
If you took the time to read what it said on the website you would have read that just like the Mavic 3 they are rolling out the new features in stages with updates. Active track is now included after the new update as is LOG and HDR. The drone flys slowly out of the box as its set to beginner mode - Ludicrous mode gets you 65+ km/ph. As for your GPS issues, there are numerous settings you can tweak to get the drone to be accurate on landing. Mine comes right back to where I took off from with a deviation of a metre max. I have friends Melbourne who have had running issues with their Phantom Pros as well. Same thing - GPS return point would be 5 m away from where they took off. As far as the rest in concerned, I have to ask - Yes the dreaded question -- Did you read the manual ? In many cases the screen brightness issues are iOS related - Mine did the same, once I adjusted the preferred brightness level for the app and set it for Auto Connect everytime the controller is detected problem was solved. The mavic 3 is a pile of poo to be honest. I flew DJI since the Phantom 1 and its not event worth the effort. I have a Lite +, have flown more than 180km with my Lite - Best drone I ever owned. The new Firmware is due next month and even more features will be unlocked.

Feedback from Autel is mainly nonexistent, so no one knows if they are going to fix or improve anything. There has only been one update since launch and it introduced nearly nothing, nor fixed anything, like gimbal sway for example, wich is a HUGE problem.

Active track is bugged and there's a high chance that your drone will just dive to the ground or crash at full speed, so stay away from it.

Ludicrous gets you around 60Km/h with the wind at your back while diving... you usually get around 50-55Km/h in normal conditions at sea level. Motors are quite underpowered compared to other drones like Air2S or Mavic 3 and OA sensors field of view limit the max pitch angle, so in order to fly correctly when you are facing the wind (nothing spectacular, just 15-20Km/h) and you'll have turn the OA sensors off to maintain around 30Km/h without switching to Ludicrous.

You also usually find situations where you have to choose between going forward or gaining altitude, a clear indicator that motors are uderpowered for the weight of the drone.

Both DJI and Autel are far from delivering good products to the consumer. While hardware is usually ok, both fail hard in the software aspect of their products, which is half baked and full of bugs and glitches... but at least, Autel drones don't come with an embedded babysitter and don't violate your privacy by sending data and telemtry to nearby Aeroscope units.

PS: Lite+ is way better than my previous Air2S, but while I could recommend the Air2S for a professional use, gimbal sway on the Lite+ prevents me from doing that, atm is just a hobbyst drone.
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As I shoot video and photo only, I didn't really see gimbal sway. Yes the Hyperlapse does shake, then I use image stabilization in post which works perfectly. Well it does crops further, but in most cases I prefer the crop images to the 29mm.
If you took the time to read what it said on the website you would have read that just like the Mavic 3 they are rolling out the new features in stages with updates. Active track is now included after the new update as is LOG and HDR. The drone flys slowly out of the box as its set to beginner mode - Ludicrous mode gets you 65+ km/ph. As for your GPS issues, there are numerous settings you can tweak to get the drone to be accurate on landing. Mine comes right back to where I took off from with a deviation of a metre max. I have friends Melbourne who have had running issues with their Phantom Pros as well. Same thing - GPS return point would be 5 m away from where they took off. As far as the rest in concerned, I have to ask - Yes the dreaded question -- Did you read the manual ? In many cases the screen brightness issues are iOS related - Mine did the same, once I adjusted the preferred brightness level for the app and set it for Auto Connect everytime the controller is detected problem was solved. The mavic 3 is a pile of poo to be honest. I flew DJI since the Phantom 1 and its not event worth the effort. I have a Lite +, have flown more than 180km with my Lite - Best drone I ever owned. The new Firmware is due next month and even more features will be unlockeThe Mavic 3 at least flies without camera issues. Since that post I have had 3 Lite+ drones and just gave up on these issues
The Mavic 3 at least flies without camera issues. Since that post I have had 3 Lite+ drones and just gave up on these issues. The Lite+ is a good drone but Autel cannot fix the wandering camera and the Dynamic tracking on the last drone dive bombed me a few times. Did I read the manual?? I have been flying drones since 2016 and a manual is for beginners who do not know what they are doing. I am a long time customer of Dji and don't have major issues with Dji. At least with Dji they respond to your emails and phone calls, Autel is non existent, it will be easier to get hold of the Prime Minister than Autel Support.
As I shoot video and photo only, I didn't really see gimbal sway. Yes the Hyperlapse does shake, then I use image stabilization in post which works perfectly. Well it does crops further, but in most cases I prefer the crop images to the 29mm.
I tried using the Lite for some long exposure shots using an ND1000 and every shot had to be deleted because of the terrible sway on the gimbal. I also used the Mavic 3 on the same day, same place with no issues.
Issues coupled with NONEXISTENT support is a recipe for disaster. I've been trying to get support since early Feb. BBB complaint got Autel to respond and have me send drone back to them. Now they've gone dark again so I don't know if I'll even see the drone again. My first Lite+ I returned.
The Mavic 3 at least flies without camera issues. Since that post I have had 3 Lite+ drones and just gave up on these issues. The Lite+ is a good drone but Autel cannot fix the wandering camera and the Dynamic tracking on the last drone dive bombed me a few times. Did I read the manual?? I have been flying drones since 2016 and a manual is for beginners who do not know what they are doing. I am a long time customer of Dji and don't have major issues with Dji. At least with Dji they respond to your emails and phone calls, Autel is non existent, it will be easier to get hold of the Prime Minister than Autel Support.
I have done 17 hours + on my Lite + No camera issues at all. Only Issue I had was a flicker on a startup - removed battery and restarted.... hasnt returned. If youre a long time customer of DJI perhaps it might be better if you stick with them then. As for me its pointless owning a drone that I cannot even take through customs because of product restrictions in the country where I am filming. Sadly to me that is a reality.
I have done 17 hours + on my Lite + No camera issues at all. Only Issue I had was a flicker on a startup - removed battery and restarted.... hasnt returned. If youre a long time customer of DJI perhaps it might be better if you stick with them then. As for me its pointless owning a drone that I cannot even take through customs because of product restrictions in the country where I am filming. Sadly to me that is a reality.
The man is right...Had a few Nano+ that was not working as advertised, returned it...
I had 2 Nano+, returned as both had issues, one was jumping like a drunk mule, being impossible to record properly any footage (had 1-2 meters deviations up-down), the other arrived DOA...
Autel service in Europe is not a joke, is a hoax...non existent.
And you cannot tell someone that because was a DJI user to go back to them, I was and I am a DJI user also, but I have 7 Autel Evo 2 Pro and 7 E2Enterprise for work...
So....Behave...I know is a tendency to protect the company from where you own things like Nano+, but is not the case here, the drone have ONLY the camera very good, in rest is a total f.k.d. up = failure...and I can tell you instantly 3 things that I doubt can be fixed.

Not to mention that Autel is far from being fair with customers...they rushed a drone that was not even tested, no idea if will work as they advertised, after 5 months is still in Beta phase, every day I see a post with drone bricked from firmware updates...

PS. I have tested yesterday MINI 3 PRO....
Quick conclusions:
- camera is inferior to Nano+, having more noise, less sharpness;
- drone is far far away as functionality compared to Nano+....you don't have to pray to stop the wind in order to take a proper footage.
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I have done 17 hours + on my Lite + No camera issues at all. Only Issue I had was a flicker on a startup - removed battery and restarted.... hasnt returned. If youre a long time customer of DJI perhaps it might be better if you stick with them then. As for me its pointless owning a drone that I cannot even take through customs because of product restrictions in the country where I am filming. Sadly to me that is a reality.
Wow, only 17 hours. I have flown between the 3 Lite+ that I returned over 40 hours. I put my drones that I own though its paces. Just to give you an idea of my flights which might just humble you. I suggest you mind your words the next time.
Screen Shot 2022-05-22 at 19.23.37.png
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The man is right...Had a few Nano+ that was not working as advertised, returned it...
I had 2 Nano+, returned as both had issues, one was jumping like a drunk mule, being impossible to record properly any footage (had 1-2 meters deviations up-down), the other arrived DOA...
Autel service in Europe is not a joke, is a hoax...non existent.
And you cannot tell someone that because was a DJI user to go back to them, I was and I am a DJI user also, but I have 7 Autel Evo 2 Pro and 7 E2Enterprise for work...
So....Behave...I know is a tendency to protect the company from where you own things like Nano+, but is not the case here, the drone have ONLY the camera very good, in rest is a total f.k.d. up = failure...and I can tell you instantly 3 things that I doubt can be fixed.

Not to mention that Autel is far from being fair with customers...they rushed a drone that was not even tested, no idea if will work as they advertised, after 5 months is still in Beta phase, every day I see a post with drone bricked from firmware updates...

PS. I have tested yesterday MINI 3 PRO....
Quick conclusions:
- camera is inferior to Nano+, having more noise, less sharpness;
- drone is far far away as functionality compared to Nano+....you don't have to pray to stop the wind in order to take a proper footage.
I also ordered the Mini 3 Pro and the Nano+, hopefully should get it by Tuesday. Hopefully these smaller drones will help with under cover flying.
do you think there is a nefarious lair at DJI HQ where they can see telemetry from all active flights in real-time? Maybe not far off...
The signal is not encoded in Aeroscope, anyone can see where you are, where the drone is, what have you done.
DJI at 1st told is encoded, but when in Ukraine war the Ukrainians pilots were hunted by Russians using Aeroscope, DJI finally admitted in public that there is no encryption...
So...careful with this, as you cannot hide anything you do and where you fly...
I consider this to be a matter of personal security, I cannot know what crazy people is dreaming that is stalked by government, aliens, terrorists or God knows what, and comes and shoot you first, ask you later...
The signal is not encoded in Aeroscope, anyone can see where you are, where the drone is, what have you done.
DJI at 1st told is encoded, but when in Ukraine war the Ukrainians pilots were hunted by Russians using Aeroscope, DJI finally admitted in public that there is no encryption...
So...careful with this, as you cannot hide anything you do and where you fly...
I consider this to be a matter of personal security, I cannot know what crazy people is dreaming that is stalked by government, aliens, terrorists or God knows what, and comes and shoot you first, ask you later...
The point is really the BIG Lie of DJI , its not encrypted (encoded) this is where the problem is , first as some who works in the Tech industry, building hardware devices, this is a typical oversight of poor oversight in design. Basic step and 101 in the Development, is to choose a transmission protocol that works with encryption by default = protect your investment IP , even the opensource community in the Adrupilot uses encryption in production telemetry RF900 is set at AES 128/196/256 bit with feq hopping. So to the point what happens when local government ( "crazy people is dreaming that is stalked by government, aliens, terrorists or God" ) can acquire Aeroscope detecting tech and issue fines or worst , just for flying ???

Feedback from Autel is mainly nonexistent, so no one knows if they are going to fix or improve anything. There has only been one update since launch and it introduced nearly nothing, nor fixed anything, like gimbal sway for example, wich is a HUGE problem.

Active track is bugged and there's a high chance that your drone will just dive to the ground or crash at full speed, so stay away from it.

Ludicrous gets you around 60Km/h with the wind at your back while diving... you usually get around 50-55Km/h in normal conditions at sea level. Motors are quite underpowered compared to other drones like Air2S or Mavic 3 and OA sensors field of view limit the max pitch angle, so in order to fly correctly when you are facing the wind (nothing spectacular, just 15-20Km/h) and you'll have turn the OA sensors off to maintain around 30Km/h without switching to Ludicrous.

You also usually find situations where you have to choose between going forward or gaining altitude, a clear indicator that motors are uderpowered for the weight of the drone.

Both DJI and Autel are far from delivering good products to the consumer. While hardware is usually ok, both fail hard in the software aspect of their products, which is half baked and full of bugs and glitches... but at least, Autel drones don't come with an embedded babysitter and don't violate your privacy by sending data and telemtry to nearby Aeroscope units.

PS: Lite+ is way better than my previous Air2S, but while I could recommend the Air2S for a professional use, gimbal sway on the Lite+ prevents me from doing that, atm is just a hobbyst drone.
"Feedback from Autel is mainly nonexistent" over four years I have hundreds of messages from DJI "tech" but issues were never resolved, which is better: Smoke or nothing? FYI; false hope sucks - The gimbal issue with Autel will stop me from purchasing anything else from them until they fix it.
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