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Drop a pin to locate Drone?


New Member
Apr 2, 2019
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The other day I had a battery unknown issue and the drone started to descend and go out of my sight...into some trees. Luckily I was able to find it. I was curious if there was a way to drop a pin when I still have sight of the drone to better locate it.

If there is another way that would help find it in the future, I am open to that as well. Maybe in the flight logs?

Thanks for the help...

The other day I had a battery unknown issue and the drone started to descend and go out of my sight...into some trees. Luckily I was able to find it. I was curious if there was a way to drop a pin when I still have sight of the drone to better locate it.

If there is another way that would help find it in the future, I am open to that as well. Maybe in the flight logs?

Thanks for the help...


This sounds like you have a bad battery.

I would suggest you contact Autel for this matter. Even if the Evo is OK, I would want it checked out also.

To answer the question:

The map will be your best guess in this situation -- unless you look into third party tracking devices. In an instance the battery does not completely die -- it should update on your map it's positioning. (Unless no GPS signal is a problem)

It should show it's last coordinates in the logs even if it should go out of site and completely die.

Even then - unless you are using a tracking device -- it is only going to give you a best guess as for an area to search in.

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