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Can 10 bit video recording be added via firmware?


New Member
Mar 8, 2022
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They added 10 bit to the Evo after 3 months. If they plan on adding 10-12 bit DNGs for stills, can they add 10 bit video as well?
Well, the camera is about the same of the Evo II 6K, so I assume it can be done via an update. The most important thing to fix by now is the random gimbal movement that messes with long exposures, hyperlapse and sometimes with the video.
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^^^Yes! Because 10bit is worthless if the gimbal is going all wonky on you and jacking up your photos and footage. I’m hoping for them to release a FW update here soon to fix this wandering gimbal issue.
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They added 10 bit to the Evo after 3 months. If they plan on adding 10-12 bit DNGs for stills, can they add 10 bit video as well?

I think it depends on the camera HW especially when talking about video vs photography, so I think only Autel could answer for certain. 10bit requires higher data rates and the compression chip has to also support compressing 10bit to H.264 or H.265, without the proper HW support FW will not be able to add it.
^^^Yes! Because 10bit is worthless if the gimbal is going all wonky on you and jacking up your photos and footage. I’m hoping for them to release a FW update here soon to fix this wandering gimbal issue.
Yep I don't even fly mine anymore.
Yep I don't even fly mine anymore.

It's only usable for photography at the moment, except for long exposures and hyperlapse.

I fly almost every day, have about 40h flightime with it, but I'm a photographer, I record video sometimes, if something curious happens midfligh, but just to have something, I don't usually edit video.

Let's hope they fix it soon, if not I'm going to claim for warranty in the future (wobbling gimbal it's not acceptable), when I find a proper alternative because right now it's the best flying photography camera around (way better than my previous Air 2S). DJI drones are not an option for me anymore, as every DJI drone violates your privacy by transmitting all the telemetry to DJI Aeroscope units, which have become quite popular in my country in the past 2 years.

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